(Anita-River City entrance) "Oh, super speed. That's a useful ability, to say the least. At least you don't need a ride anywhere." Anita glanced around. "So what's your first class? I've got science, which I'm pretty good at, to say the least." [@Blackpanther] (Iris-Blackwood entrance) "Maybe a reputation around here is a bad thing in some respects, but you're still going to need one," Iris said. "It's the law of the jungle out here. If you don't let the other guy know what's going to happen if he messes with you, he's going to walk all over you. Plus, there's the whole problem with the general public. If they're aware that even the other bad guys are afraid of you, they might give you what you want without a fight. Face it, Machiavelli was right: it's far better to be feared than loved." Iris paused for a second to let her words sink in. "Especially in our line of work." [@Thatcharacter]