The trek to the cathedral that had been designated as their new target went more quickly when the warrant officer in charge realized that while they wouldn't be getting resupplied any time soon, there also weren't any enemies to speak of. He ordered that the pace be picked up at that point, and reiterated that ammunition needed to be conserved as much as possible. They'd be down to their bayonets before they reached the cathedral if they carried on shooting up the city around them. As they advanced along the boulevards leading to the centre of the hive, the most senior NCO the Grenadiers could find carried on adjusting their formation. The remaining soldiers from the 3003rd numbered just under a third of their original number, and the warrant had them stack up five deep, pulling the Brontians and Xenonians in behind the wall of Raiders. The Cadians seemed to have retained some semblance of a command structure, so he left the two chimeras and their supporting troops to their own devices, and focused on keeping his own troops in some sort of order. It wasn't that they were rowdy or undisciplined, as grenadiers, every soldier from the 3003rd was selected from only the best the regiment had to offer. The problems lay in the fact that they were advancing through hostile territory without support, and without even enough ammunition to suppress their way to the objective. It made every one of them nervous, and nervous gunners meant a lot of very dead shadows. So of course the whole trip to the cathedral was eerily uneventful. The Orks had apparently disappeared as quickly as they'd swarmed the guardsmen, and the only evidence that they'd been here at all was the carnage strewn anywhere one looked. The whole hive had been turned into a charnel house it seemed. By the time the 3003rd reached their objective, the regiments that had been assaulting the other breach in the wall had already started digging in. The few Grenadiers ranging ahead of the pack rushed back, having spotted the fortifications, and the warrant in charge called a halt. He wasn't going to march a gunline toward a fortification, even a friendly one, until they knew he was coming. The last thing they needed was a black-on-black incident right before the greenskins came swarming back to finish them off. After directing his subordinates to set up a hasty defensive, the senior NCO called over his vox-operator and ordered someone else to find the corporal who'd been directing the right side of the offensive at the breach. The vox-operator showed up a moment later, and the warrant set up the vox-caster to broadcast locally about as loud as it could. Anyone manning a radio at the cathedral should have no problem picking up the signal, assuming they were on the right channel. "All callsigns, this is Lima-Delta-Zero. Be advised, we are approaching the objective from the west. We are five mikes out. Over." he spoke smoothly, the authority in his voice was obvious, but calm for the moment. The 3003rd and their Brontian and Xenonian support weren't going anywhere without a reply. And while he was waiting, Corporal Hazard was located, and went running over to the man in charge. "You wanted to see me, warrant?" he inquired, his heels coming together reflexively as he spoke, though the rest of him remained at rest. "Take... Take a platoon... Take Three Platoon Charlie, and when I give the order, rush up the street and provide cover for the rest of us. We need a route into the defensive, and we need firebases. We'll be right behind you, then you'll fold into the defensive behind us." he started off slowly, but once he'd decided on a unit, the senior NCO knew exactly what he wanted. "Roger that, warrant." The Iceman didn't need any more instructions than that. He ran off immediately and began picking up members of the platoon he'd been ordered to find, getting them organized inside their hasty defensive much like the Brontians and Xenonians, though they looked more like they wanted an excuse to charge something, and the lucky bunch that had been selected to act as the vanguard was decidedly less excited. Waving his plasma gun around like it meant something, the junior NCO gave his group orders and then told them to relax. Most of them promptly went to sleep, knowing that this might be their last nap ever...