[hider=Tavish MacIntyre]Name: Tavish "The Advanced" MacIntyre Age: 19 Height: 5’11” Weight:135 lbs Nationality:Scottish Appearance: [hider=driving armor] [img]http://cdn02.wallpapersonweb.com/media/i1920x1200/1/22/213539-futuristic-armor-desktop-wallpaper-1920x1200.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Actual appearance][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tgvz4xB_hr4/TB42jcvh1KI/AAAAAAAAANY/G6X8OkztaVE/s1600/james.jpg[/img] [/hider] Bio: MacIntyre was born in Old Glasgow, Scotland. He lived a fairly secure early life until both parents lost their jobs. His mother died of a sickness they didn't have enough money to treat and his father hung himself. He sold their quaint suburban home and moved into a large garage, which led to him becoming interested in cars. He graduated from his school as Valedictorian two years early, all while using his garage home to repair cars for extra cash. He wanted to go to college, but didn’t have enough money. He heard about the rally and spent a year training and building his car. He also spent a year building a set of advanced driving armor, of his own design. He plans on using his winnings to pay his way through university. Theme Song: “[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qBPvfUmGOY]Crazy Equals Genius[/url]”- Panic! At The Disco[/hider] [hider=Daedalus]Name:Daedalus Appearance:[hider=car] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/70/c8/18/70c818f0d215a39b151f825ed34f3316.jpg[/img][/hider] Firepower:25 Grip:10 Frame:5 Acceleration:5 Top Speed:10 Special Weapon#Ability: (explained later) Personal Weapon: [i] Serpentis [/i]: A bright green dagger with a seven inch long blade. The edge of the blade can become superheated on command, allowing the blade to cut through harder materials. Flavor Text: [color=lime] The sleek body of the car was scavenged from a junk yard. Almost all of the inner workings are of Tavish’s own design, and quite crude. [/color][/hider]