Betsy was on his back underneath his lady working his magic, thick stubby fingers deep inside as he fiddled around for that special button that would make her release. *Click-THUD!* In this case it was the restraining bolt for a load bearing couplet for the upper armature connection. He had been getting a 6 second reduction in arm movement compared to the other limb and wanted to see what the problem was. [color=0076a3]"JIMMY! Remind me, yet again. Do we have silicon string fiber optics yet? No? What about suspended silicon superfluids? No? Well then.. WHAT BLOODY USE ARE YOU?!? *sigh* Fine, take the armature from the legs in the right knee and bring it up here, I'd rather hop like a bunny then have such a time gap in the arm reaction times. And put in a memo to develop suspended silicon supersolid fluids. [/color] The dwarf pulled the earpiece off his head and took a moment to stretch as he was working on the continued reverse engineering and replacement of the tech he had available. Thank goodness for his neutrino panels to soak up the passing energy particles or else he'd have to run around with an umbilical chord attached to a nuclear submarine. Wouldn't that be fun. *PING* Pulling out his phone, he looked at the cloned phone of Doctor Williams, last time they had lunch, he had cloned the phone to duplicate any sent or recieved calls and texts, he saw it in that 'nations treasure' movie and thought it was nifty. [b]To: Jaron Edrics Report back, urgent.[/b] Interesting, GPS shows the text was sent in the middle of the farmlands. He'd keep an eye on it for now as he went for lunch. *PING* Looking back down at the phone, the city-wide text alert of the earthquake appeared on his tiny screen. [color=0076a3]"JIMMY! Screw the legs, put the arm back in and fire up the gun! We got people to save!"[/color] *** 'War' Was sill perched in the tree with his sniper rifle as the town-car drove away. He not only had the rifle trained on the building, but a set of non-duplicated remote charges placed down by his other selves during the conversation in case there were any sudden light shows. But as the car drove away, it seemed the boss was not done as he clearly used his powers to make a sinkhole opened up to consume the childhood home of the botanist, destroying his childhood memories and any attachments to his previous life. As the doctor emerges from the sinkhole in the driveway, he activates his scope, no movietastic little red dot or anything like that to give him away as he speaks into his earpiece. [color=a187be]"Orders, assassinate Williams, confirm or cancel?"[/color] It was then when a new opponent emerged, either a cybernetic or a powersuit armed with a medium length blade and a rotary cannon. He could say nothing and let this new scene play out, it would give him a better understanding of each potential opponent and remove another possible risk. But then again evil only triumphs when good men do nothing. He was still a good man and this guy in the suit might be true evil. [color=a187be]"Delta delta! Unknown vector, Charlie on the field, Williams in danger! Orders, sir."[/color] He shifted his rifle barest of a centimeter, aiming for the neck joint of the powersuit rather than the chest of the mutant leader. He would not act rashly without orders, but for the moment he would protect Williams if only to assassinate him a moment later once the orders came through. *** Necron was in the base's kitchen, a disgusting idea, I know. Thankfully, he was in his bodysuit of latex like a full body operation glove as he was operating. At the moment he was actually training his ability to manipulate dead animal matter by testing to see if his powers worked on cooked meats and if so at what point did he loose control. Imagine Tim Burton directing 'be our guest' from beauty and the beast. Sausages slithered like serpents as pheasant flailed en flambe while he conducted his psychotic symphony and made a midday meal with six centuries of culinary cuisine under his belt. He looked up at the flickering lights of the kitchen and sighed, they stole a russian submarine just for the power source to this place as a back-up generator to the geothermal engines and they STILL have brownouts! He plated the magnificent meals for all to enjoy and left a note for some peon to scrub his pots and pans as he went to check with engineering to see the source of the fluctuations. Last thing they needed was a blackout at 3,000 fathoms, even he might not be able to rurvive that, and if he did, the sheer pressure would flatten him to the bottom of the ocean for the next hundred years or so if he didnt just become a coral reef...Coral, hmmm microscopic should work.... *** Tohi was busy training. Currently he was wearing full sparing gear with extra kneepads and elbow pads, but all the stuffing was filled with lead microbeads, each piece weighed at least 20 lbs and he was 'slowed down' to the pace of a regular fighter to improve his speed and technique. if he could land 6 blows weighed down, that meant 60 when it counted. *THUD!* That is if he could stay up for more than a second! He was currently sparing with a master of one of the throwing arts, judo, akido, one of them, as they are a natural counter to his strike-heavy style. The object here was not to beat a throwing specialist, but to become one himself, to add new moves to his skillset so that he did not rely on just his speed to be his only source of power. [i]*THUD*[/i] He wanted to study caporeia next, but they insisted his round out his weaknesses before improving on his strengths. He disagreed but he really wasn't in a position to negotiate. If he went AWOL then they would lock up his family for terrorism, he was fast, but he wasn't that fast. [i][b]*THUD!*[/b][/i] [color=fff79a]~Let me out, kid. I'm that fast. I'll get to them in six seconds and have them in Kuba in six minutes.~[/color] [color=aba000]~Two words cat-man-do: Whip-lash, you'd kill them before they got there. Besides, you can't run on water, can you?~[/color] [color=fff79a]~I never said i'd get them there unharmed...And as for on water, let me out and we'll find out.~[/color] [u][i][b]*THUD!*[/b][/i][/u] [color=aba000]"Okay, that one hurt...Shut up in there and let me get my ass handed to me in peace."[/color] He couldn't help but notice that his body was still reverberating from the impact of being thrown into the mat and the lurch in his stomach from getting tossed about.