Hello everyone, I'm looking to start some new role plays. -puts out cookies- [IMG]http://www.integrityfundraising.com/CC/Choc_Chip_Stack_Sidecookie.png[/IMG] I have character sheets if anyone's interested to take a look at: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/92981-sinfulskills-character-cheets/ooc][b]Click here![/b][/url] Got ideas? Can't seem to find someone to work with you on them? Please, let's chat, who knows?! -beams- Have a character you'd be interested in pairing off with someone but you're not sure who or where to go with it? Tell me about the character! Two great minds can make one amazing story. -beams- April 16th - 3 new male characters under "Down at the Station" May 6th - 6 new characters added under "Gods of the Stars"