Their conversation reeked of fear, no matter how bold they attempted to be. Sitting upon their horses, their armor dented and in poor condition. The way their eyes were wide, always skimming the treeline for any form of movement. Even the horses were not at ease; swaying side to side, ears swivel consistently as heavy snorts erupt the air with frosty breath. Such a beautiful night, however. The moon in full beauty. Not a cloud in the sky. The stars, however, were not to be seen. Bit of a shame, that. She'd thought she'd have more of an audience from the heavens for her show tonight. [i]"The snows getting to be a bit deep, Jeoff. Seems the earlier patrol didn't take to liking to it. Think we should take the longer route as they did?"[/i] Lance glances over to the Lieutenant, who seems to contemplate on the same subject before Lance even said word of it. [i]"Tha 'orses can 'andle this, Lance. 'Sides, Iff'n we don't patrol this route, ye ken damn well tha Corporal will be pissed."[/i] Jeoff's accent is deep, thick and, to some, hard to understand. Though it held wisdom, even for one who is still in his prime. Lance reaches up, rubbing the back of his neck before he nods. [i]"Aye, very well then."[/i] Lowering his hand to retake the reigns, his attention snaps over his shoulder to the road behind them. [i]"Did you hear that?"[/i] Their horses become unsteady, more so than prior. They were eager, their muscles flexing due to the fight or flight reaction. Jeoff glances behind him, one good eye peering out to the shadows as he attempts to steady his horse. [i]"Wolves be 'unting this eve, Lance. Best we get ta moving iff'n we want ta get through this snow."[/i] He allowed Lance to take lead, knowing the young lad would feel better off that way. ...If only it were just 'wolves hunting'... A snap of a twig, purposefully mind you, causes both horses to go into a state of panic that had both riders fighting desperately to get them under control. They should have just let the poor beasts run while they held on. A blur, massive in size and auburn in coloration, launched from the shadows of the brush. The sudden and powerful strike causes Lance to be hurled from his horse. The equine wasn't so lucky, however. This beast, much larger than a dire wolf, was able to snap her jaw right behind the head where spine connects to the cranium. Side to side in a powerful motion, skin and pelt tear and the neighs of the horse were finally silenced as the head is torn clean off and tossed to the side like a mere toy. The eyes wide with fear and panic. The jaw of the horse opens and shuts, the final attempt for air before it goes still. The beast turns slowly, a massive paw resting to the lifeless carcass before she moves to glance between Lance and Jeoff. Large, crimson stained ivories, bare as if she were to smile to them. Ridge of fur stands on end, ears rest flat against her skull. She was toying with them. It was nothing but a mere sport to her, and Jeoff could see this. For if she had been here to kill, she would have killed Lance off first in her sudden attack. The man's good eye gleamed with raw hatred for her as a hand swiftly goes for his sword. A mighty yell escapes his barrel of a chest and he charges his horse forward. The beast stood there, and just waited. Her snarls grew louder, and saliva dripped to the snow in gooey strands. She hunkered down before using powerful haunches to launch herself into the air. Jeoff took this time to hold his sword as if were to be a spear, and hurls it at the beast. It struck true, imbedding into her shoulder and causing her attention to go off course of him. With a heavy jerk of the reign to the right, he was able to, narrowly, escape the attack. He took no time to seek Lance and go to him. He didn't even look over to see where the beast was at. [i]"Get on yer fuckin' feet, lad! NOW!"[/i] Jeoff had dismounted and was already attempting to lift his dazed friend. Just in time, too. For the moment he smacked the rear of his horse to take his friend away, the full force of the beast was upon him. [i]"J-J..JEOFF!!"[/i] Lance tried to cry out, a hand outstretched. Yet the horse carries him out of sight and range of the battle. ...The two met gazes for the longest time, a paw crushing into Jeoff's chest. Jeoff then...Smiled. A labored sigh escapes him. [i]"Ye fought long enough, lass...May yer death be swift..Jus' as mine.."[/i] He glances down, a hand grasping onto a hilt of a short sword; the blade hidden in the chest of the beast. With a sudden motion, she bit down into his throat and gave her head a single jerk. Skin tears, vessels and veins spew his very life source all over her maw. ....Reports state that morning patrol found two deceased. Lieutenant Jeoff, and a young, fair woman..Whom he was holding onto....