[hider=My Hider] I knew that Velvet was taking pictures of weapons. Don't know how she's able to use them once projected, but whatever. Called Ironwood's robot arm. Or robot half, or what have you. That looks like it's been resolved for quite some time, though. Well, I guess a single knight arm is something, Weiss. The way Ruby took Neo out of that fight had me pausing the video and giggling uncontrollably for half a minute. Hope they didn't kill Roman. I mean, there's no body, but he also got swallowed by a giant half-bird half-lion thing that exploded and presumably crash landed with the giant airship. inb4 '[url=http://orig14.deviantart.net/49d8/f/2014/200/5/7/3d_the_babe_by_lifefibers-d7rfdd1.png]need a hand[/url]' jokes from Yang. Or shocked silence when she figures out she lost a body part. I'm reminded of RWBYQUEST. Hm. Oh well, Mercury and Ironwood prove that the replacements are very good at their jobs. There's something about arms in this episode. Is it wrong that I felt this heavy Yandere vibe coming off of Adam for over half his screen time? Also, are we finally going to see Ozpin fight now that Cinder blew through plan B through Z? [/hider]