Mylori greeted his fellow Dwarf with open arms, listening gravely as he heard of the nation's cry for re-enforcement. Gritting his teeth as he look east, where he knew Tavirin already led a fierce defense against the Darkness, he knew that this was a decision that would require all the leaders of the Broken Empire. And so, many nights later, Mylori finally walked from the meeting chambers and called out to the Hammerbearer already at his shoulder. Issuing quick orders, he prepared the Empire for it's next steps. Tavirin would return to Eastern Front, and a large force would turn back and move as quickly as possible back towards the Northern Front. Mylori would lead the handful of forces already close by, while the Warlocks would prepare and move as they saw fit to weak areas. [u][b]Garrison[/b][/u] [hider][b]Province 61 [/b] -3 Heavy Infantry Units -13 War-Magi Units [b]Province 54[/b][i](Orngat)[/i] -22 Mechanical Warriors Units -32 War-Magi Units [b]Province 51[/b] -10 Mechanical Warriors Units -11 War-Magi Units [b]Province 50[/b] -6 Heavy Infantry Units -3 War-Magi Unit [b]Province 49[/b] -3 War-Magi unit [b]Province 48[/b] [b]Province 47[/b] -2 War-Magi Unit [b]Province 46[/b] -7 Artillery Units -16 Mechanical Warriors Units -6 Mechanical Walkers Units -32 War-Magi Unit [b]Province 41[/b] -2 Heavy Infantry Units -10 Artillery Units -20 Mechanical Warriors Units -15 Mechanical Walkers Units -41 War-Magi[/hider] [u][b]Actions[/b][/u] [hider][b]12 War-Magi and 12 Mechanical Warrior Units from 51 to 54[/b] [b]10 Mechanical Warrior Units and 20 War-Magi from 48 to 54[/b] [b]7 Artillery Units, 16 Mechanical Warriors Units, 6 Mechanical Walkers Units and 30 War-Magi from 41 to 47[/b][/hider] [u][b] Recruitment[/b][/u] [hider][b]Province 61[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 51[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 50[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 49[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 48[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 47 [/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 46[/b] 1 War-Magi Units [b]Province 41[/b] 1 War-Magi Units[/hider] [u][b]Research[/b][/u] [i]Against the Dark (Turn 1)[/i]