[i]Thomas[/i] "What the hell is going on out there!" thundered John Russell from his office. Crashes and bangs shortly followed as the heavy-set man made his way out. Thomas was already standing at the entrance to one Bay #2, his arm rested high against the support, his head resting against it. He gave Mr. Russell a side glance, and returned to looking at the chaos unfolding in front of him. Only ten minutes ago all was 'peaceful' and 'business as usual at FastLane. But then gun fire erupted and out came the sirens. [color=fff200]"Seems like hell has broken loose Mr. Russell,"[/color] Thomas muttered as his boss had come to stand just behind Thomas's right shoulder. "Don't get smart with me!" It was a half-hearted attempt at a comeback, but John Russel was too stunned by what he saw. "Go check it out." he said to Thomas, shoving him with a beefy arm. [color=fff200]"Hey!"[/color] Thomas stammered as he caught his balance and glared back at the shop owner. "Go! Make sure no one comes near the shop." John Russell stated to Thomas. "Luis! Close Bay 1!" And without word [i]FastLane[/i] was closed off to Thomas. [color=fff200]"Bring a knife to a gun fight, and I don't even have a knife. Beautiful."[/color] Thomas wasn't thrilled about going into the fray with just bare hands, but it wouldn't be the first time. Down the street Thomas could see cars piled up and flashes of gun fire. He looked around and saw numerous people standing around, apparently too stunned to move. Others were walking quickly away. Cars were at a standstill, but that wasn't really anything new in the city. In the building surrounding curious people had their faces pressed against the windows. The look on most faces, whether inside or outside, we of mixed emotions. It was almost impossible on what to think or even do next. The next thing he knew Luis was standing next to him. A large wrench was in one hand, and he was handing Thomas a tire iron. Thomas took it without thinking and the two walked slowly towards the unknown.