Third Invincible Sister took the towering pillar, a horrific fusion of flesh and steel, then sneered. "Ha! Only an American could make something so monstrous! It looks like your decadent Washington Monument, which is nothing compared to the superior Tower of the Juche Idea!" Even as she spoke, more of the eye-covered organisms emerged and pressed the attack. It was clear that Third Invincible Sister couldn't do much lasting damage to the pillar of flesh with only her bare hands, but she could at least keep these things off the backs of her new comrades. She jumped up in the air, Air Jordans possibly giving her enough hang time to grab one of the pieces of machinery that bulged out of the pillar and tear it free, a irregularly shaped chunk of metal about the size of a chair. Raising it above her head, she began to methodically smash it down on the advancing blob creatures like some demented game of whack-a-mole. Earlier, she had observed that these things had some sort of mechanical core- she reasoned that if she completely crushed the creature's body the core inside it would also be irreparably damaged. "Feel the wrath of the People's Republic!" she cried as she waded into battle.