Dante smiled and said "first off, fine I guess. A few wounds from the raids and attacks we have been getting. But you should know..." He knocked on the door to the captains cabin and Avery from inside said "enter" Dante opened the door and said "the captain is a women....and you do know this shop is not...well, a transport vessel right?" They walked inside to see captain Avery working hard at the maps, just wearing a tank top and pants. Her shoulder was bandaged and needed to be redressed, the blood on it looking days old. "Captain Coppershade, I present Sebastian benzie. Sebastian, this is captain Avery Coppershade, lady of the glory. Or formally known as...the ShadowStrike..." Dante smiled, knowing the man would know the ship name. You see, Avery's father told them to change the name for one reason. The ShaodwStrike was known as a pirate ship....the most famous and deadly one that sailed the skies.