[u][center][h3][color=bc8dbf]~Marianne~[/color][/h3][/center][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/Q4gqoHC.png [/img][/center] [hr] [color=bc8dbf]“Hmm?”[/color] Marianne blinked through her one good eye, looking up as a random man seemed to land right next to her. Stranger things had happened to her before so his appearance wasn’t really off-putting. Even when he reached over to wipe some blood off of her face, she merely looked at him with continuing confusion. Then the compliment and the rest of his words clicked and she smiled sweetly. [color=bc8dbf]“Ah, hello there Mister Warrior. Yes, these are wonderful eyes aren’t they? They’ll do just fine in going with my collection. I have a wonderful display of art nearby…oh, but it truly is a pleasure to meet you,”[/color] Marianne said, standing up and looking at the strange man with more clarity. She was apathetic to the surrounding chaos all around her and the shrieks of terror along with the crackling of open flames did nothing to bother her. She even heard the death bellow of a certain purple-armored amazon, though she chose to ignore even that proclamation. Something about food… [color=bc8dbf]“Oh no, no. I’m afraid I can’t help you right now Mister Warrior. You see, my new friends want me to make them feel at ease. It seems the fighting really has them spooked,”[/color] Marianne said with a shake of her head, turning to the mangled corpse she was just working on. [color=bc8dbf]“They really must be deathly frightened to have not said a single word and-oh! Where are my manners? Apologies Mister Warrior. My name is Marianne. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”[/color] Grinning softly, the dark-haired girl offered up her hand in greeting. Unfortunately said hand was coated in blood and eye fluid from plucking the parts off of the corpses. It didn’t seem like she would budge though unless she got a proper greeting back in return. [hr] [center][@KoL], [@Viciousmarrow][/center]