[quote=@AccursedBiscuit] Good point. Any volunteers? Humans are good. So, our group of merry men finds themselves where? Coastal tribe? Inland tribe, maybe focused on woodworking or working the land. Depends on what kind of advantages we want them to have. Bountiful food resources, or maybe mining metal for infrastructure and military (if we have one). I suppose we could give them everything they could want. Pretty much start out with a golden age of advancement, get things going. [/quote] First off, I recommend everyone go read up on some ancient world history. Things happened for a reason and Rome didn't just become and empire a la Deus Vult, they had several things go their way because of thier location, enviroment, etc etc. If we are going to be starting at the very beginning of civilization, they are going to be basically nomadic herders or hunter gathers but I guess it can be said that they are a group of nomads who've just decided to settle down. In which case they would be also certainly coastal or river as they could either have plentiful fish or good soil to farm on. If I'm going to be quite honest, it seems are you thinking this as less history and more of a scrubbed version of history often presented by games. Early on, the concept of military was something beyond thought and infrastructure was limited to hovels of varying sizes and dirt roads. In short, history is a lot more complex than what you might think.