[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] If I'm going to be quite honest, it seems are you thinking this as less history and more of a scrubbed version of history often presented by games. Early on, the concept of military was something beyond thought and infrastructure was limited to hovels of varying sizes and dirt roads. In short, history is a lot more complex than what you might think. [/quote] I was just thinking big picture, trying to get a sense of where we want to take this. Of course cause and effect is a large part of how these things come about. Besides, there's nothing saying we can't go off the books a little. [quote=@Shayd] Humanity began to fight when they began to feel a sense of ownership over something worth defending. With tribes, this could be as simple as their hunting/gathering territory, their resources. While there wouldn't be an organized military, in a modern sense, there would be fighting and conflicts. [/quote] I like that. Maybe they noticed a lot of edible food growing on a coastal plain, and the waters were practically jumping with fish. They couldn't help but stay. They knew this was home.