[quote=@AccursedBiscuit] I was just thinking big picture, trying to get a sense of where we want to take this. Of course cause and effect is a large part of how these things come about. Besides, there's nothing saying we can't go off the books a little. [/quote] The thing is, with history you have to go by the books in a way. History is the greatest chain of cause-and-effect to ever have existed. The rise of Hitler can be tied to Franco-Prussian relations in the 1800's. The rise of communism can be linked to the invention of the steam engine. Modern Europe has its roots in the fall of the Roman empire. I was under the impression that this was supposed to be soemthing of a serious and realistic approach to writing out a history. [quote=@AccursedBiscuit] I like that. Maybe they noticed a lot of edible food growing on a coastal plain, and the waters were practically jumping with fish. They couldn't help but stay. They knew this was home. [/quote] Small note: most edible crops grow further inland naturally. You wouldn't see wheat growing naturally all that close to an ocean, on a lake, maybe.