[quote=@Lugubrious] [hider=My Hider] I looked up the definition of the word abusive, thinking that it pertained only to situations in which a close (or at least supposedly close) relationship is sustained, but as a matter of fact it does not, instead being habitual, so I guess the guy's got the wrong estimate of what the word means. The bottom line is, there's no indication that he [i]was[/i] an abusive partner, but his growing tendency toward violence led to Blake's abandonment, which kicked off his status as an abusive ex. I don't think he implied that there was an excuse; just that there was a reason, and what he thought it was. You're awfully emotional and aggressive over this cartoon, you know. [/hider] [/quote] [hider] Because like I said, Adam might not have been abusive in the past. He is now. That's what matters. Saying otherwise is deluded. "he’s traumatized and he’s been backed into a corner by cinder, a fucking human, his oppressor. she showed him her power and he had no choice but to bend to her will. he doesn’t even know if this will lead to the better treatment of his people. the one person he trusted as his equal, the one person he’s been shown to have an actual attachment to, blake, she left him. now he has no one close to him. his loneliness, his powerlessness to the humans, the lack of change happening for him in his life, all of this had one year to become worms in his brain." That's making excuses for him. Not what you're doing, what this fucking [i]moron[/i] is doing. Yes, I'm getting emotional about this cartoon, because somebody is using it as a fucking soapbox to tell me that it's okay to become violent and psychotic after being traumatized, because traumatized people are special and deserve special treatment and excuses. I've seen this shit again and again from the fucktards at tumblr, and it's why half the internet hates them. It's condescending and fucking insulting, and every time I see it, all I see are these fuckheads standing around feeling good about themselves while turning around and spewing hypocritical bullshit about the same subject when it applies to something they don't like. "abuse is something conscious. do you really think adam is consciously allowing himself to be so goddamn irrational, when before he was shown to be levelheaded and in control?" Bullshit. Abuse is not a conscious decision. It's a description for unhealthy relationships and types of unhealthy behavior. I've been in abusive relationships, and every one of those people genuinely cared about me. They weren't consciously depriving me of my autonomy or trying to control me. They wanted to establish acceptable boundaries based on mutual respect. We let fear of losing each other bring us to make stupid decisions. I've been abusive, I've been abused, and I can tell you, what Adam is doing is so far beyond physical and psychological abuse it's absurd.[/hider] And that's the last I have to say about this matter.