[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] The thing is, with history you have to go by the books in a way. History is the greatest chain of cause-and-effect to ever have existed. The rise of Hitler can be tied to Franco-Prussian relations in the 1800's. The rise of communism can be linked to the invention of the steam engine. Modern Europe has its roots in the fall of the Roman empire. I was under the impression that this was supposed to be soemthing of a serious and realistic approach to writing out a history. [/quote] I get that. So, what do you suggest we put into our books? There weren't any real boundaries set. Basically, we just decide together, freeform. You want structure and realism, Shayd wants magic, and we have yet more people to voice their opinions. I'm sure we can work something out. [quote=@ClocktowerEchos] Small note: most edible crops grow further inland naturally. You wouldn't see wheat growing naturally all that close to an ocean, on a lake, maybe. [/quote] Different evolutionary timeline. Different plants to eat and avoid, different animals with different behaviors to hunt or run away from. It's the greatest sandbox ever!