[quote=@Blue Demon] Alright. I had some thoughts. #1 How much of this is space based? A.K.A. Would our characters go off planet a lot. Or even at all? Because when you say Star Trek, Westerns, and Firefly, 2/3rds are space based. Rather than planet based. #2 I want your dreams. *Makes grabby hands* #3 As for a focus of characters, would the focus be more on the town they're in? or a set of characters? EG A band of Outlaws out to steal, rob and plunder anyone and any town in their way. Those are my thoughts. [/quote] 1— Of course this isn’t quite the sort of “travel the universe” sort of spiel, but I did take influence from shows like Star Trek, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, and Dark Matter when they [i]are[/i] on planets dealing with those sort of scenarios. For example, there’s this one episode of Battlestar Galactica where they end up dealing with a group of survivors from the planet Terra and the Galactica pilots escort them to this planet they were heading to and they sort of stay there for two episodes before things get complicated. There’s another episode where Starbuck ends up on a Wild West-style planet and has to deal with a Cylon “bounty hunter” type, which is hilariously fun. Stuff like that serves as a big influence to me. But I suppose I’m rambling and giving you non-answers. Basically the idea is that our characters will be on Mars and probably stay on Mars unless we decide to expand on that later. 2— Yeah, my dreams are known to be weird in this way. I once dreamt up a mobster scenario with my friends as characters. Lots of fun abound, I wish I could share. 3— The idea is in the general area of the town I mentioned, Marietta, yes. But Mars is a big place and sandboxes allow the player to make fun as they see fit.