Character Name: Jack Walker Physique: 4 Intelligence: 4 Charisma: 2 Skills and attributes: Veteran= +1 when using firearms Martial Artist= +1 when unarmed or using melee weapon Eagle Scout= +1 on outdoor/survival tests Anxiety= -1 when in crowds Traumas: 1 Day - 1 Week - 1 Month - Equipment: Blue jeans Black Rolling Stones t-shirt Black zip up hoodie Steel toe cowboy boots Wallet; $36, 2 credit cards, 5 business cards, 1 picture, drivers liscence, survival wallet card(2 broadheads, 2 fishing tips, 4 fishing hooks, saw blade) Pocketknife [hider=Appearance] Jack is in his mid thirties, is about six feet tall, and weighs around 200 pounds. He has long brown hair that is usually pulled back into a pony tail, light blue eyes, and nice smile. He has an athletic build and is quite strong. On his right forearm, he has a very detailed tattoo of a skull. As a teenager he attained the rank of Eagle Scout and soon began to teach wilderness survival classes to up and coming scouts. Jack has also trained in various martial arts disciplines since he was five years old, holding 5 black belts before he joined the military in his early twenties. He was always very shy in social situations, but after several miltary tours and countless battles, Jack had developed PTSD and his anxiety intensified to the point where he often suffers panic attacks in large crowds. [/hider]