Nathe listened quietly to the two, the same smile on his face. Such a different dynamic than he was used to. He was used to more yelling and harsher words. Of course, that wasn't typical of the entirety of his race. Years of hatred had turned them harsher than their nature really was. He was just glad to see the same softness that they had lost in their exodus from the forests that once protected them. A wince came on from a separate source than the pain in his side. He couldn't think of his home now. He was in a new environment. He had to adapt to this. With any luck, his people could adapt to. He could return them to the fold of their forest dwelling brethren. That was his hope at least. He couldn't leave his brothers and sisters to fight a never-ending war. "Well, hopefully your leaders will see I wasn't a mistake on her part," he offered. "I, for one, am grateful for her kindness in not putting an arrow through my head." He offered a small laugh that quickly turned into a grimace as he felt the surge of pain once more. "Right...can't do that..." After a moment of pause, he looked up to Mel. "If it's not too much I still need these bindings? Since your leader agreed to let me stay, for now?" he asked.