I'm really looking for someone interested in playing as Aang for me. You will still play Aang as canon and accurate as possible, But he will be 16 instead of 12 and Pansexual instead of straight. My character will be Kion, a 17 year old Firebending Master and Aang's firebending teacher. Kion will replace Zuko as part of the gang as well as Katara as Aang's love interest, but I'd still like them to be very much in our RP! Zuko will stay mainly a villain. Taking from Legend of Korra, I'd like to take ideas from both series, as well as our own for this RP. The premise will be Aang, Kion, Katara, Toph, and Sokka traveling the world to stop the Fire Lord and the hundred year war. However, other side plots taken from Korra I'd love to do would be battling Amon and the equalists as well as the Red Lotus. Our RP will start with the gang already established and traveling together with Aang day by day learning each element by each master on his team. I've decided against including Suki as she really only served a love interest for Sokka and I felt she was unneeded. While Aang will be the main character you write as and Kion my own, we still need to be sure we are including other members as well as writing as villains from time to time. Meaning both of us will be writing as Katara, Azula, etc to help with plot. Please note I'm NOT looking to turn this into a huge slash explicit RP! It may be a M/M pairing, but it's mainly for plot and story purposes only. I do not intent for this to become smut filled. While there will be times the story calls for writing the romantic parts, it's not to turn into a porno. I'd also prefer no other OCs asides MC Kion in this RP. Sorry, but I am open to hearing your ideas! If anyone is interested, please PM for a faster response! Thanks :)