[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmY5MTA5NS5RWFZrY21WNUlFaDFiblJ6WW1WeVp3LCwuMAAA/allura.regular.png[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/1813bf89dc4925701955eca4a24a8ae4/tumblr_inline_n496vlawz31rk6sm9.gif[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 7:55AM- 7:59 AM [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Beverly Hills High School: Deserted Hallway [b][u]Interactions:[/u][/b] Troy [@Universorum][hr] Audrey's frustration with Troy increased as he kept a dumb smile on his handsome face all throughout her rant, but it was quickly dissipated by him stealing yet another kiss from her. [color=ed145b]"Trooooooooy, stop!"[/color] Audrey whined in a feeble voice that fooled no one. What kind of magic did Troy have that he was able to handle Audrey with such grace, Audrey didn't know. But what she [i]did[/i] know was that she wouldn't have it any other way. [color=0054a6]“Yeah. I’m sorry, I can’t help it, really. Besides, if I didn’t move in when I did, you’d have covered that one chick in hot chocolate, and that would not be good for anyone,”[/color] Troy paused and stared at her in a way that sent her heart soaring while reaching one hand out and gently placing it on her waist. Audrey took the chance to quickly add, [color=ed145b]"That 'one chick' as you call her really had it coming, hun. You interrupted an act of public service."[/color] Troy decided to ignore her comment, because his next words were: [color=0054a6]“Besides, I can’t do this when we’re that far apart...”[/color] before using his free hand to cup her face, leaning in and placing a deeper, loving kiss on her lips. By this point, Audrey was done fighting against her feelings ([color=ed145b][i]'God, why did he have to be so irresistible?!'[/i][/color]), and so she wrapped her arms around him and leaned into the kiss, forgetting everyone and everything. After a few seconds -and much too quickly for her liking- Troy pulled away and let his hand fall away from her face but keeping the one on her waist in place. Audrey was still trying to catch her breath from their kiss while he reached into his jacket pocket and took out a box, unmistakably from a high-class jeweler. She frowned at him, clearly confused. [color=ed145b]"What's that?"[/color] she asked Troy, nodding towards the box. [color=ed145b]"What's that supposed to mean?"[/color] [color=0054a6]“Happy anniversary. It’s been three months, and yep, I remembered all on my own. And before you go ‘oh, you used your parent’s money to buy me a gift, how thoughtful,’ think again. I had to work super hard to save up for these fucking things, so you better wear ‘em proudly. I basically had to live a that crappy diner and work so many goddamn hours of overtime that any normal man would have cried himself to sleep at night by now, but not me. Nope, I had a certain gift planned for my princess--because she deserves, of course, only the best--and nothing would stop me from achieving it. And so I did just that. Because I do whatever I set out to achieve, nothin’ can stop me,”[/color] He moved his hand off of her waist and carefully opened the box to reveal its contents. Audrey's mouth fell open in shock when her eyes landed on a pair of the most gorgeous diamond earrings she had ever laid eyes upon. They were cushion-cut, with a halo of smaller diamonds that framed a much bigger one, each of them shining brightly like a star against the black velvet of the inside of a box. Judging by the way they shone and the brand name she'd read on the box, Audrey knew these weren't fakes. Still stunned, Audrey looked up at Troy. [color=ed145b]"Oh my God, Troy! You really didn't have to!"[/color] she exclaimed, barely able to hold back the tears of happiness and surprise. No man had ever gotten such a reaction from her; after all, no man had [i]ever[/i] done something like that for her. And here was this guy, someone that she didn't want to be seen with and kept hidden from the world, sacrificing his time and putting up so much hard work to save up enough money to buy her a pair of [i]diamond earrings[/i] (did I mention they're [i]diamond?![/i]) just because it was three months since the first time they had hooked up during the end o the semester party. It wasn't just the earrings, but the fact that he had remembered this date and put such an effort to show he cared really got Audrey's mind working... Was this just a friends with benefits thing, or could this slowly be shifting into something else? Audrey was at a loss for words and on the verge of bawling her eyes out, so in order to not let Troy see her cry (even if it was from happiness; her pride is [i]that[/i] big) she did the only thing she could think of: she wrapped her arms around him again and gave him the sweetest, most emotional kiss she could muster. She tried to put a lot of unsaid things into the action -things she probably wouldn't even dream of saying- with hopes that Troy would be able to understand then; after all, Troy seemed to have a knack of figuring her out quite easily. Once she was sure she wouldn't start crying on him, Audrey gently pulled away from the kiss and gave Troy a tight hug and a breathtakingly bright smile.[color=ed145b] "Thank you so much, Troy,"[/color] she whispered, genuinely grateful for what he'd done. Knowing fully well she hadn't gotten him anything, Audrey quickly suggested what Troy would love as a next best thing. [color=ed145b]"So... What do you say we skip the assembly and go somewhere else, just the two of us?"[/color] Audrey purred, giving Troy one of her suggestive smirks while planting a tantalizing kiss on his lips. [color=ed145b]"That way I can show you just how thankful I am for this gift."[/color] Before he could reply, she did the same thing he did earlier: she grabbed his hand with her free one and dragged him out of the school building and into the passenger seat of her car. In all honesty, she hadn't really wanted to attend the dumb assembly anyway, and she'd missed Troy too much to not jump at the chance to spend some private time with him. Once she was seated at the driver's seat, Audrey gave Troy a sweet, bright smile that anyone who knew her would find completely out of character. She grabbed the lonely coffee cup that had been sitting in the cup holder and handed it to Troy. "[color=ed145b]Here you go, baby: one white chocolate mocha. I hope it's not cold!"[/color] She waited until he'd taken a sip before asking: [color=ed145b]"So, your place or my place?"[/color] she asked him, placing her cup on the cup holder and putting on the earrings. She checked her reflection in the rear-view mirror and smiled. [color=ed145b]"Damn, love, you got some really great taste! These look absolutely amazing on me."[/color] Audrey turned to Troy, eyes sparkling, placing a hand on his.[/center]