[hider=Character Sheet][i][b]Name[/b][/i]: Rock "Power-Ballad" Eagle [i][b]Age[/b][/i]: 35 [i][b]Height[/b][/i]: 6'3'' [i][b]Weight[/b][/i]: 215 lbs [i][b]Nationality[/b][/i]: American [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/31gooxD.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][b]Bio[/b][/i]: Born in Neo-New York to a single mother, Rock Eagle blundered through childhood having learned almost nothing. It was only when Rock had gotten into trade school that he found an interest in something: mechanical engineering. With a savant's talent for mechanisms, Rock Eagle very handily found a job as a car repairman. Through several years of hijinks and casual working, Rock Eagle found his two co-riders, Sonny Headliner and Cinderblock Christ. They have forged an unbreakable bond, and have vowed to gain fame as legendary racers or die trying. If they actually [i]win[/i] the Risk Rally, the American Dream will most likely waste all of their prize money on cool cars and drugs. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeOSO5ueAjY]Theme Song[/url] [/hider] [hider=Vehicle Sheet] [i][b]Name[/b][/i]: American Dream [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/EXp5KwB.jpg[/img][/hider] [i][b]Firepower[/b][/i]: 2 [b][i]Grip[/i][/b]: 12 [b][i]Frame[/i][/b]: 34 [b][i]Acceleration[/i][/b]: 2 [i][b]Top Speed[/b][/i]: 18 [i][b]Special Weapon#Ability[/b][/i]: (explained later) [i][b]Personal Weapon[/b][/i]: The [b]Manifest Destiny[/b], a crude mix between a fishing gaff and a guisarme. Ideal for both spearing and grappling, the [b]Manifest Destiny[/b] is a marvel of American engineering. [i][b]Flavor Text[/b][/i]: The [b]American Dream[/b] is a sleeping giant, built through the combined efforts of Rock Eagle and his two friends, Sonny Headliner and Cinderblock Christ. Armed with nothing more than a crude pneumatic cannon and whatever trash its two other crewmen can throw overboard, it is an undeniably mediocre combatant. The [b]American Dream[/b]'s true power lies in its phenomenal inertia and legendary durability.[/hider]