[b]Ethan[/b] "Just keep running!" Ethan called out to Ashley. There was panic all around them. His lungs burned in pain, but they couldn't stop. People were killing people everywhere. One of the crazed infected grabbed a hold of the young student and bit deep into her arm, tearing out a piece of her flesh as it yanked its head back. The poor girl screamed a blood chilling tone as Ethan push kicked the attacker away. He pulled her with him as they continued on. "He...bit me!??" she squealed, tears falling down her cheeks. Ethan looked behind him to see the attacker jump onto another random person. "We have to find a place to rest," Ethan said, though he wasn't even sure where he was at this point. There were large buildings on either side of them, with helicopters swarming through the air. People running into others, people eating people, and vehicles backed up unable to move. The sound of sirens filled the air as an ambulance came around the bend at a quick speed, but it lost control and drove directly into a nearby gas station pump. The explosion could be felt from where they were, as fire erupted to the sky. They ran by a building called FastLane, and saw two men there armed with melee weapons. Ethan could hardly breathe as he dragged Ashley with him to the pair. She herself could barely stand. "She's injured!" Ethan called out to one of the men. "We have to get inside, please. Help us!" Ashley screamed again, as a few of the infected were running directly at them.