[hider=Racer Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] 'Tokyo' (Actual Name: Kim Kyung) [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Height:[/b] 5'4” [b]Weight:[/b] 147 lbs [b]Nationality:[/b] Japan (Actually from Korea) [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/58de/th/pre/f/2007/113/e/7/yakuza_thug_by_sonofdavinci.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Bio:[/b] Kim Kyung was born in a [i]now defunct[/i] Korean Company Town. The boy's early life was spent scavenging for useful metals and bringing them back to his corporate overseers. This boy didn't want to live as a corporate property forever, and always thought about how he would escape that place. And so when the opportunity was right, he fled Korea as a stowaway aboard a cargo ship. The freighter docked in Tokyo and upon arriving in Japan he met the Jade Dragon Gang. Tokyo earned his place with the gang by fulfilling his tasks of roughing up rival goons, tagging their turf and general misdeeds for the crew. However life was not going to remain fortunate for the Jade Dragons. In the middle of a corporate heist, the vital players of the Jade Dragons were captured by a Rival Faction, the Chain Rats. Fortunately, the Chain Rats were willing to exchange their newly acquired prisoners, for a hefty price. Risk Rally would provide a fortune needed for the 'bail' payment. So, Tokyo stole a vehicle from an impound lot on their territory, and headed off to compete for the prize for the freedom of his gang. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWKJmbmOOf4]Theme Song[/url][/hider] [hider=Vehicle Specs] [b]Name:[/b] 'Banzai', Pyeonghwa FRC [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/yOQu6tk.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Firepower:[/b] 1 pts [b]Grip:[/b] 10 pts [b]Frame:[/b] 1 pts [b]Acceleration:[/b] 20 pts [b]Top Speed: [/b]23 pts [b]Special Weapon#Ability:[/b] (explained later) [b]Personal Weapon:[/b] [i](Defective) Twin Vibro-katanas.[/i] These swords have over a thousand tiny serrated 'bladed teeth', which move back and forth incredibly quickly, giving off a loud buzz when working. They are powered by coils made from Rareium ores. Unfortunately for Toyko, the coils powering his blades are on the fritz which has left him with just a pair of serrated swords. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] The Pyeonghwa FRC is a standard cheaply made vehicle. It is most commonly used by Corporate Security Operatives, also known as CorpSec Ops for short. The vehicle is designed for pursuing criminals who violate the laws of Corporate Territories.[/hider]