Hi. Just popping in to say my two cents. [quote=@Vordak] The participants are given utmost freedom in their creativity, as long as it comes with respect for their fellow writers: use whatever formats you want, whether it be diaries, encyclopedic texts, biographies or legends; create whatever content you think will deepen or further the plot.[/quote] This is the sentence that got me interested and should be followed. I suggest a [color=blue]NARRATIVE[/color] format post and a [color=red]Encyclopedia[/color] type post. You could post a short story involving different elements of the setting or an encyclopedia type entry describing a single thing in the setting. Hooks for future stories and objects/people/places/etc. could be left for other players to pick up. Don't forget that histories are often contradictory and multiplicitous. [quote=@vordak]As i said in the above post, we need some momentum going, so deciding the geographical specifics can be left for later [/quote] Makes sense. [quote=@clocktowerechos] I'm hesitant about magic, it could easily fuck things up real easily not to mention all the other stuff that could entail. I think we should just go normal route [/quote] I disagree. I think magic is a great tool to make the world interesting, more vibrant and readible. The 'cool' factor if you will. Writing a world that is just renamed real-world pseudo-cultures doesn't exactly appeal to me (or anyone else reading it for that matter) what we need are hooks and plotlines just like any good novel. Instead I think we should all agree on a set rule of law for magic. I also think we should wait on using a map until more of the setting is understood/written. Thoughts?