(Joan-River city entrance) Joan tapped Charly on the shoulder, then turned around to see Adam enter the school. Normally, she would have gone over to greet him, the two were somewhat close friends. Normally, however, he wasn't carrying an AK and shouting in Arabic. A burst of full automatic fire ripped through the main entrance, but whoever had screwed with Adam's head had thankfully forgotten to teach him how to ain properly, so nobody was hit except for one student whose main power was being bulletproof. Joan knew that the next student might not be so lucky. She whipped her bow off her back and pulled an arrow out of her quiver. A tripwire wasn't the best, but it was what she had. She placed her shot perfectly, the wire cutting off Adam's forward movement. (Anita-River City entrance) When the gunfire tore through the halls, Anita sprang into action. She was at the far end of the entranceway; too far for her homemade stun gun. She'd have to get closer, and to that, she needed cover. Anita lobbed a smoke bomb in Adam's direction. Her aimwasn't great, but it was good enough, giving her a place to hide as she raced in.