[@FateWeaver] [@Sessamaru] [@tex] [@Hatman1801] [center][h2]En Route To The Northeast[/h2] [sub]About an hour away from the objective[/sub][/center] Jenso stopped in his tracks as Luke asked the group if they had heard anything. He looked around himself quickly, not immediately seeing anything out of the ordinary. He overlooked the various rocks that were scattered all across the landscape. [color=f26522]"I don't see anything..."[/color] He replied. Was Luke suddenly getting nervous about this entire plan? Or was there truly something, or someone, nearby? It was quite possible that someone had followed the group, and used the rocks as cover to avoid being seen. But it seemed unlikely. He believed that at least [i]someone[/i] would have noticed sooner. Jenso calmed down somewhat as Luke told them not to mind what he just said. However, Jenso kept his guard up the whole way. One could never know what they could encounter in No-Man's-Land. He still wasn't too sure about trusting any of his fellow Divers, but right now he would have too. That was the point, after all. Gather up a reliable group to strike back against Project S-S. He kept most of his focus on his surroundings as the group moved forward.