[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] There is a separate "realm" where all the ideas, emotions and thoughts of all living things become real, for now we can call this is Arcanum. Once you have enough people doing a certain thing or believing in a certain thing, it will happen. So if one group of people have complete zealous devotion to their god or pantheon, said god will become real in the Arcanum. If there are a series of incredibly violent, bloody wars, there will be a god of war or bloodlust which will be formed. This way, all living beings have a connection to the Arcanum but their minds "clouded" in the way that because they do not focus on a single idea or belief for long enough, they have little effect on it but can study/meditate/train to "tune" their minds thus becoming more powerful. There are also individuals who are naturally gifted with this "clear of mind" and can have greater access to the Arcanum without much training. In terms of spells, this means that the more people you have focusing their minds on something like a fireball spell, the stronger it'll be because they are all believing in the power of the spell and are all focusing their efforts on making the spell a reality. [/quote] I'm against tying magic and the realm of emotion and mind - aka "noosphere" - into one single entity; it may greatly limit what we can do with it down the road. A bit busy right now, but i'll try to provide a magical system of my own ASAP, as an alternative to be taken into consideration.