[color=cf3500]Amaterasu was a little surprised at the male's question that her flame on her hand stopped. Now that she thought about it though, she has never been taken for a round of drinks before by any of her guild members: never mind a rival guild member. They were probably scared she would burn them all to the deepest hells of dante’s inferno or something which sounds just about right, coming from a pyromancer just like herself. “W-well” Amaterasu began “No, not really. They never do, probably because I would happily burn them” which was true, she probably would. “Besides, I prefer being alone” which was also true. Back at the guild she is always alone, staring at Rei and Travis whenever he is having his daily brawl in the guild. Which is stupid in her opinion. “I don’t mind going to a place like this on my own though, it’s nice to clear your head from the dubious burning experiences that I have encountered personally” She mentioned this as she began to count how many people she has actually burned, albeit there was too many to count in the first place.[/color] [color=f26522]“You prefer being alone?” Ethan asked, a glint of wonder in his eyes. “Oh...do you have any friends? I figured someone as strong as you would have a lot of them.” Being as he was, Ethan couldn't imagine if someone didn't have any friends, and the concept of someone not actually wanting any was completely alien to him. As he said this, the waitress arrived, and placed their drinks on their table. Ethan smiled, and began to suck his up through a straw, with one of his eyes meeting Ama’s, in an attempt to prompt her to answer his question. [/color] [color=cf3500]“Strong, hah! I am only a B class” she mentioned to Ethan. There wasn’t much reason why she was a B class, she can be strong if she so desired but she doesn’t know many moves or spells to do with the power of fire personally. That, and possibly her destructive behaviour around the city. “I don’t mind my class actually, in fact. Because I know fine well it won’t affect my ability on who I burn. On another note, I am friends with Sunny. He is pretty cool. But I hardly see him because he goes out for naps a lot” she had to admit, Sunny did love his naps. Watching the waitress come over with her drinks was pretty interesting. She plopped the drinks down and she noticed Ethan was staring at her “umm…” she cocked up a brow in confusion “is there something on my face, man??” giving out quite the hollow expression in retaliation to his weird stares.[/color] [color=f26522]“Nothing!” Said Ethan cheerfully as he speared a marshmallow on his straw and popped it into his mouth. “Just curious about stuff. I like to get to know the people i have drinks with and i've heard it's polite to look at people when they are speaking to you. So i did it with one eye. More to the point, do you have any questions for me?” [/color] [color=cf3500]“hmm” Amaterasu had a little think there, this was to get to know each other?? and she has nothing interesting to admit about herself, she might as well shoot a question while the offer was still standing “So, what class are you?” She asked while she took a sip of her order, letting the warm liquid slip down her pipes. She was curious about this whole class thing, the only class that seemed to be important was an S class. And that was only because of the missions it entailed, and of the threat too, obviously. Placing her cup back down, she placed some of her hair behind her ear. “and what are your guild like in their guild?? what… eccentrics do they have??” she may aswell ask while she was it it. Just incase they did anything that she didn’t know of, and to take mental notes of what she can use against them when the need arises. Magic was useful indeed, but you also needed strategy.[/color] [color=f26522] “Oh!” Ethan exclaimed, not actually expecting her to answer his question, and beginning to rack his brain for an answer. “Well, i’m an A rank, although i would be an S if i hadn’t...er...nevermind.” He shook his head and instantly started on his second question as if he had said nothing before. “My guild are...well...they vary. A lot of them have cool powers that i honestly can’t explain. Of course, that does include me and all my kinetic power. And eccentrics? Er....just about everyone really. Has their own eccentic style. I would be here all day if i were to describe them all. He then picked up a menu, and glanced at it. “Want some cake?”[/color] [color=cf3500]This man had the capability to be an S class?? and she burnt him in all his glory, well surely that has probably harmed his pride quite a bit “Right in the pride” she mentioned. Amaterasu listened to his answer carefully, she was ashamed he wouldn’t name the eccentrics that she hopefully didn’t know. Otherwise she would have taken an instant mental note to the head. But she didn’t let this throw her off the ounce of conversation that they were having. “You should already know my guilds eccentrics” she said to him. Not saying much else, she wasn’t really in the mood to talk and she didn’t want to give anything away herself, it was the grand magic games soon after all. And she didn’t want to give anything away. When Ethan mentioned about the cake, Amaterasu licked her lips slowly. She could kill for some cake at this very moment: not that she actually will. She wanted to test him and see if he was actually telling the truth or not since she can’t see the cake section on the menu. “But, the cake is a lie…” she stated towards him, not saying much else to see what his exact reaction was, and to see if he was telling the truth.[/color] [color=f26522]Ethan looked at her for a moment, before commenting. “Er...theres cake right over there.” He said, pointing to the counter. “See? Ill go get some for us…” After about a minute, Ethan came back with two slices of chocolate cake. As soon as he sat down, he began to attack it with a spoon, as if the world was about to end and he was determined to finish his cake before it did so. After he had nearly finished, he looked up at her. “How ish et?” he asked, his mouth still full of cake.[/color] [color=cf3500]Amaterasu sighed softly, so he was telling the truth after all. She still didn’t trust the guy, but at least he told the truth about the cake thing. Looking where the cake was, there was so many choices of cake the two could have. Amaterasu loved cake personally, cake was really sweet and nice and sugary. It was perfect for her. It was unusual to eat something that is cold though, compared the usual oriental stuff she ate back at the guild. Watching him go get the two some of the cake and then come back to their location of seating. She looked to her cake in delight: well she was, until she looked to Ethan and saw him dominate his cake like it had no fight left in them. “Et-Ethan” she sighed softly and shook her head. At least he was having a good time. “Manners!” she hissed.[/color]