[@Diggerton] awesome read! Rose is absolutely approved. :) [quote=@Cinderella Man] Before I post up a character, I have to ask; before being put into the coffin, y'know, during his thieving days would people be frightened by the prospect of him pretending to be a Snare? Like, would everyday people and messengers have the knowledge on Snares that others do? [/quote] Most everyone would be familiar with snares, yes. You could think of them as mutants from X-Men really, haha. The general public knows that they're born to average human parents and that they could potentially be dangerous. The difference here is that there's a system in place that prevents potentially dangerous abilities from developing in the first place ... by locking away children. Pregnant women are screened by their doctors. An adult snare is extremely rare and reportable to authorities just for existing, and probably would cause a panic. But! If you have a different idea by all means let me know! :) [quote=@Catchphrase] Can I make a character who is serial killer? If my character is put away, I want him to be put away for a very good reason. [/quote] Absolutely 100% serial killers welcome!