[@hatakekuro] Travis grimaced as the exchange continued, reacting as if he'd received a physical blow every time Hans brought out another terrible, terrible joke. But inch by inch, he began to regain his footing. He grit his teeth and began to formulate his counter attack. He started to open his mouth. Then Hans said the one thing he couldn't take, no matter what. "SHSHSHSHSHSHHHH!" He suddenly slapped a bear paw over Hans's mouth, his face uncomfortably close, side to side with the pale mage's own as his eyes darted about this way and that. There was utter silence for several moments, then Travis released Hans and stepped away, still peering about like an antelope that knows a lion is nearby. "[i]Don't say her name![/i]" he hissed. "Speak of the Devil Slayer and she shall appear!" Then, realizing that might possibly be a pun, he pointed one clawed finger at Hans. "And that's not a joke!"