"I certainly like it. Though some more light for reading would be appreciated." He could come down here for peace and quiet now, and had more books to read. Hayley seemed to like it as well, so perhaps he'd see her more often than not. Though, soon she was apologizing to him, much to his confusion. "Hmm?" Matthew turned, blinking. Had he appeared uninterested? Matthew forgot about himself for a moment, walking up and placing his cold hand on her shoulder. "Weird just means different. Unique." He said calmly, offering a small smile. "I think your curious nature is quite interesting. I'm curious about a fair number of things, myself. You shouldn't be down on yourself just because you're different. There's always somebody who will understand you." [I]'Though I'm not sure anyone could accept me in my state...'[/I] He thought, though he hid his concern on the thought.