[u]Province 19[/u] The darkness was throwing more and more impressive forces against Andinon. But Andinon was adapting even as the darkness did. The first Arquebuses had arrived and were going to be put to use against the next wave. The monstrous beings that had been sent had torn into the skeletons amassed against them, but their false hearts had been revealed to be a weakness and they had been smashed by bolt after bolt from the heavy ballista. Contrary to the darkness's hopes Andinon was learning how to fight them, to combat the darkness, both physically and mentally. With the help of Tushienia of course. [u]Province 6[/u] It had been a bloodbath, though most of the forces that had fought didn't even properly bleed. The skeleton vanguard had been smashed apart by the large enemy forces, but they'd taken a ferocious toll, biting into shadowy flesh as they'd fallen. Once again Andinon was thankfully for the necromancy that served them so well in fighting these monsters. Though some might call it dark magic and unwarranted, it was certainly serving Andinon well enough. Still, they'd lost a great deal of their infantry and aid from the other nations would be of great use. As proud as Andinon was, even they realized they couldn't stand alone. [hider=Actions] Research Traded: Dirgibles to Tushienia for Against the Dark Research: Pistols, Turn 2 Recruit 1 Dirigible in all Provinces. Recruit 1 Arquebus in all provinces Garrisons Remaining Garrison of Province 6 -13 War Magi -14 Units of Light Cavalry -15 Units of Magi -14 Units of Heavy Infantry -10 Artillery -8 Dirgibles -1 Arquebus Remaining Garrison of Province 15 -7 War Magi -9 units of Light Cavalry -11 units of Magi -8 Units of Heavy Infantry -4 Artillery -3 Dirigibles -2 Arquebus Remaining Garrison in Province 19 -30 War-Magi -8 units of Light Cavalry -5 Artillery -12 units of Dirigibles -2 Arquebus Garrison of Province 14 -1 unit of War Magi -1 unit of Storm Shadows -1 unit of Dirigibles Armies in Province 13 -5 Units of Magi -1 unit of Dirgibles [/hider]