[hider=Queen Tydra Nept of Tearianaris] [color=cyan][center] Theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YmTXThBrLs Quote: "Life on land is incredibly dull." Name: Nydra Nept Age: 40 Species: Descendant Blood%: 100% Lassa Gender: Female Sex Preference: Bisexual Height: 5'8 Weight: 135 Physical appearance: [hider=Armored][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/fish_warrior_by_xiaobotong-d4iw1jo.jpg.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/fish_warrior_by_xiaobotong-d4iw1jo.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [hider=unarmored][URL=http://s32.photobucket.com/user/Psycho_Blaze/media/ocean_princess_by_chaosringen-d6242fl.jpg.html][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/ocean_princess_by_chaosringen-d6242fl.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [i]Her body is toned and her legs and arms are even more so. Giving her a sharp almost male like aura of strength and speed. [/i] Apparel: Her typical clothing consists of very little beyond the most private covering. This and her wet suite for entering her Advanced App is all she typically wears. At times she is forced into ornamental attire to address the public and royalties. But she is not interested in clothing beyond her armor. Which is made from sea serpents capable of withstanding the pressures of the deep crevices below their ocean. Sharp and elegant it is highly resistant to damaging spells. The encrypted markings that shimmer in the light on the armor is the source of the this power and relies on the wearer's soul to power this defense mechanism. God's presence - http://orig09.deviantart.net/3f2b/f/2012/292/8/4/water_eye_in_woven_bezel_by_backtoearthcreations-d5ibv5q.jpg A medallion that sits around her neck at all times. It grants the holder the power to control gravity around them and where they choose to point their influence. It was created from one of the eyes of the Dragon lord who called himself a God. Vehicle: http://orig08.deviantart.net/aa55/f/2015/233/2/1/zero_emissions_vehicle_by_last_trace-d96l67f.jpg A two seated vehicle for basic transport on land and in water. It hovers over the earth and is capable of low altitude flight. It is capable of moving up to 60 mph. It can transport a Advanced App. Personality: She is head strong long any typical leader. However she does not as much as lead as much as use her status to her advantage. She is obsessed with the oceans and loves the calm silent waves. She is energetic and loves to challenge her close companions, guards and such, to games or feats. She has a air of tomboyishness, but her elegance remains a strong presence. Her rowdy nature is hidden from the majority of her people. Making her able to switch from her usual adventurous self to a more sharp and cold Queen. This side of her negates her outgoing charm and replaces it with a cunning determined demeanor. Often seen in battle and when she is in front of royalties or annoyed. She has a love for all technology and dislikes the world on land due to their lack of achievements in this field beyond transport and weapons. As such she loves music made from tech. Faction: Slight affiliation with the Magoi Pet: Adv. App.: [hider=Ocean Wake][URL=http://s612.photobucket.com/user/daryl889/media/Mecha%20Pic/Mecha_Masculine.jpg.html][IMG]http://i612.photobucket.com/albums/tt204/daryl889/Mecha%20Pic/Mecha_Masculine.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Height- 5 meters Metal base- New Magnesium Alloy Type - Light Power source- The source comes from a sphere within the chest. It is water infused with Tydra's soul essence. It stores the essence after she infuses it within the water and heats the water to power it with steam heat and soul. Engine inside the shoulders produces electricity as support power. Equipment - 1. http://orig09.deviantart.net/8a2f/f/2013/026/b/4/weapon_concept__2_by_talros-d5stram.jpg Top - Rage - A auto rifle that fires rapid rounds powered by electricity and steam. Bottom - Calm - A rifle that fires single shot rounds with rail gun like force. It has multiple attachments for long ranged sniping for up to 30 miles or closer ranged battle which requires mobile use. It is powered the same as Rage except with the addition of soul essence. 2. http://orig05.deviantart.net/ee8b/f/2006/360/0/1/gundam_strike_gat_x105_sword_by_heretik66.jpg The Heretic - The weapon is created from the bones of a legendary sea dragon that can resist the pressures of high gravity. It is a 3 metered sized weapon. 3. Water boosters - Using Tydra's water conjuring and its use of water as fuel it can release its stored water as a powerful booster. Capable of propelling it at mach speeds both underwater and in air.[/hider] Exp: Tydra's early years were spent studying various schooling subjects. She did well in her classes but excelled in mathematics. She had a love for technology and was delighted by the idea of one day being a technician or engineer. She learned how to create motors from disassembled materials at the age of 10. She began working with technicians at energy plants at the age of 15. She learned how to create and operate Advanced Apps at the age of 17 and learned from brilliant mechanics within the royal armies network. When she was 18 the trials began and after she became Queen at age 18 she began training in the ancient ways and learned to manipulate water as well as spells. She also trained with the use of her medallion given only to the Queen of Tearianaris. But she neglected her studies of mastering her soul and instead focused on mastering her control over Advanced Apps. She learned from the best marksmen on how to shoot both in her mechanized suite and out. She also learned the use of sword, spear and shield from royal guards. Her weapon of choice being something similar to a harpoon. For obvious uses on her voyages. After many years of combining all of her training she was able to do casting, manipulations and control her medallions special gifts while in her very own machine. She underwent many death defying adventures with her honed abilities. Thanking her many masters for making a simple tech head to a power house Queen. Spells: Lightning - She can summon a luminescent rune from where she wishes within a yard radius around her and conjure lightning from these runes. Ice - She can summon a rune to conjure and emit cold and ice from. Like opening a portal to a icy world. She can launch pure ice as projectiles. Gravity - She has learned to control gravity around her and others she touches using her medallion's gift. She can increase or decrease her weight and whatever she wears or is around her body. She can target an area within her sight range and manipulate the gravity around it for very short increments of time. Siren's call - She can sing a song that casts a hypnosis spell on those who hear it. It makes the listener a devoted servant much like a puppet. Water summon - Her final rune spell conjures varying amounts of water from it. Abilities/Powers: She can manipulate water and heals quite fast from being in it. She can swim at incredible speeds and has strength and speed in combat that bests even her strongest guards. Her stamina is almost limitless in water and quite high on land. She knows how to manipulate water in ways not many of her kind could imagine, such as slicing metal with water. She can manipulate almost any liquid substance one being blood. Her blood can be shifted to mimic the rapid adrenaline Tyro's feel. She can even manipulate liquid that is within something, such as the blood in ones body, if she is touching it. But with water she can control that freely up to a mile distance. She can breathe both air and water. Hindrances: She is more fragile than other high caliber Lassa and as such needs to wear something to protect her. If ever one got underneath her protection she will be delicate. Her medallion is precious to her and if ever removed without her knowledge she will go into a fit of tears and depression, losing her warrior's spirit. Unknown Weaknesses: She focuses on powerful attacks when not in her more cunning mode. Using up most of her resources quickly. She thinks she is the best at everything and is quite cocky. Weapons: Lancer - A blue lance made from steel and sea stone. Its blade is edged with sapphire. It's design is meant to penetrate flesh and hook in with its jagged sides. Steam rifle - http://orig12.deviantart.net/f3f2/f/2015/040/8/a/consolidated_american_universal____sentinel_by_prokhorvlg-d8hemkq.png A gun fueled with heated water. It requires the power of the user's soul to heat the tank of water within. It fires whatever projectile she places in it. Typically it is steel or sea stone tipped. History: She and her sister were twins at birth yet both were entirely different in character. Tydra was the the athletic and science intrigued her. While her sister Thala was a book reader, a singer and song writer and had an affinity to charming sea dragons with her songs. They both loved each other and were always together when their interests didn't separate them. Their mother and father were royal workers in the science fields. So naturally Tydra being the one closer to their parents made Thala a bit of a black sheep within the Nept home. Despite this they were all very close. As they grew older the word of the trials for Queen was coming. The Queen before had died from a assassination in which no culprit has been found as of yet (current game time). As word got out about Thala's singing voice she was tested in front of Royalties and confirmed her gift. She was subject as a unique pure Lassa and as such would be on the line to be next Queen, as the earlier one had no heirs. Tydra did not want her sister to go alone so she managed to convince her parents to help convince the Royalties to let her try out to protect her sister. Her plan worked and she was placed on trial for Queen. The trials were tests of knowledge and the siren's call, as well as skill in surviving danger. It was held entirely beneath the waters. They were faced before different tiers of sea dragons and sang their songs. If they failed the Dragon would either swim away or try to devour the siren. They had to know which Dragon liked what kind of song and figuring that out was Tydra's job. Her and her sister sang in unison when they could but Thala took control of the majority of the singing. When things got dangerous Tydra helped her sister stay alive even to the degree of spearing a feral which was not part of the trial, in the eye and then making an escape. Tydra was stronger than her sister physically and mentally. However when it came to the final test they found themselves to be the only two remaining who did not fail. Her and her sister had to go to some surface stones assembled in massive columns in the middle of the sea. Rising from behind the columns was a terrible sea dragon, massive in scale and summoned its own storm and waves with it. It looked disturbed from some kind of slumber and did not entirely notice the girls. Its presence however was frightening to the say the least. The tides would sweep them off the stones and they would have to climb back up. But her and her sister began to sing in unison and grasped the beasts attention. However it roared with a thunderous echo in reply and only caused a larger wave to crash into them. After climbing back up once more Tydra stopped singing and let her sister do it alone. She sang a song of peace and calm to put the beast back to sleep. Her song echoed like the Sirens of legend and began to calm the waves and winds around her. She began to feel into the Dragon's essence and read its very mind. It eyed her sister Tydra and launched at her. Tydra was falling asleep herself and did not notice what was happening. All she remembers is being knocked into the water and swimming back to the stones to find a puddle of blood on the stone she was on, calm waters, the beast and her sister was gone. Tydra was pronounced Queen reluctantly by her own guilt and the royals that knew she did not have the true Siren's call Thala did. She went ahead with being Queen anyway to honor her sister by doing what her sister would have done if she did not save her. Though she is not the greatest Queen she continually tries to help her people become richer in materials and advancements. She also searches the deep constantly for the Dragon that killed her sister. Trivia: She loves EDM. [/center] [/color] [/hider] [hider=Tearianaris Guards & soldiers][img]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_Blaze/52278-wallup.jpg[/img][/hider] [Hider=Tearia's Elite Soldiers] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/87/7a/dc/877adc845bf2cb84872e4a2a949fb54f.jpg[/img][/hider]