[hider=King of Nero Sleeth Mythue] [center] [color=#7401DF]Theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0li4N9EQY4 Quote: The best Kill is the one Unseen Unheard and Unnoticed even by the victim. Name: Sleeth "Kaine" Mythue Age: 69 Species: Descendant Blood%: 100% Nayu Gender: Male Sex Preference: Homo Height: 6'3 Weight: 189 Physical appearance:[img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/ef61/f/2012/103/d/2/demon__s_thirst_by_uniquelegend-d4w2kw5.jpg[/img] [i]Wearing a light form of armor crafted from basilisk hide. His clothing giving more form to his lean muscled body underneath. A helmet covers his eyes allowing him the sharp sound vision of the blind at all times.[/i] Apparel: light armor that protects well even against projectile fire from a pistol bullet. It covers his forearms, shoulder chest, back abdomen and shins. He wears black leather as pants that covers his feet as well with thick soles for protection on all terrain. Vehicle: Personality: Sleeth hates having to repeat himself because of this he has become cold and distant in his words and way of treating people to the point that he even slowed down his way of speech to keep from having to do so. His temperament is more towards unyielding no one is above him in his mind he would talk down to a god if he was challenged in a way that would put him down. Occupation: King of Nero Faction: Dolofon Pet: Exp: Sleeth Was trained since birth to take the throne. He fought tirelessly training in stealth and the ways of killing, the way of a true assassin, from the time he could comprehend what death meant Sleeths first master was his father A master of the elite guards the personal guards of the king.His father taught him to fight as the guards do never take an opponent for granted go at them full force from the start and set the pace of war he never said battle always war. Having his father as his First and most difficult trainer Sleeth had to learn the hard way how to command his powers given to him by blood. His father and mother who is of pure blood both taught him the ways of his body and mind so as to control and not harm himself with his own power. He was seen as a prodigy with e skills of the blood line before the age of thirteen he had mastered the use of invisibility shadow and sound manipulation and by fifteen he had developed them into his own craft making shadows solid like stone and sound tear like a blade with just a snap of his fingers. His highest achievement in his life and in his family history was becoming the youngest to pass the kings test at the age of eighteen ,allowing him to keep his sight, not long after mastering the shadow stepping blood line skill. Being trained in the ways of the blade is natural of the Nayu but his Weapon was special it was handed to him by the former king himself. After Sleeth was given the right to ascend to the throne passing each test and killing all others that could have taken his place or chances the king gave him the weapon of the King the great Scythe made from the horns of The Great Dragon. This weapon can only be passed down by the king and can only be held by the king and soon the training started o master both it's beauty and death bringing presence. Sleeth created the faction know as "Dolofon" to gain access to the angelic blood that he both loved and craved above all others. After becoming King he took his time developing his own power to retain the throne till his dying day. Taking the title of King seriously He based all of the Spells he learned over command and control to take the will from his opponents and crush them on all Levels Spells: Kings Domain: Sleeth Summons a circle of shadow around him extending up to twenty feet from his location Moving with him as he moves but only where his body is keeping him as the center. Within this Domain he has absolute control over shadows ignoring the powers of other shadow manipulators and or taking control of there power while in the area. If the domain is created in a room with little or no light the domain takes control of all things in the area of darkness allowing command over all shadows in the room but not outside it unless the room is entered by Sleeth and matches the same conditions. (No other spells can be cast while in this is active. Also Must be able to speak to cast the spell. If his concentration is broken by strong stimuli such as damage or strong distraction the spell is broken and cannot be used till he gains composure.) Kings Pressure: While in the sight of the King you are placed under the Pressure of your own blood making every inch of the Enemies body feel like Lead. Manipulating the Vibrations created by the heartbeat of his opponent Sleeth creates the illusion that the world around them is crushing them and that the pressure is being created by the sheer power of the King. ( If out of the sight of the King the effect is null and void since the illusion is broken "Out of sight out of mind" the same goes for if the opponent runs away since "fight or flight" is kicked into a higher gear as if escaping from a predator. The Closer the King is to he person or People in his sight the stronger the effect.) Abilities/Powers: Solid Shadow Hand-less manipulation: Wishing to advance the shadow manipulation that his clan can do naturally Sleet wished to advance his shadow manipulation to make it faster and far more solid. By Manipulating and condensing shadows he can create weapons and walls from the darkness. The weight of the things crafted does not affect him but does affect the person it is being used against. Having matured his powers He can do the manipulation with out moving his body making it seems as if the shadows are alive and protecting the king of it's own will. Sound Bullet/Cutter/Cannon: Focusing his mastery of the sound manipulation Sleeth has developed a means at which to shoot condensed waves of sound that enter the body and vibrate violently afterwards damaging the insides of the opposition avoiding armor and hardened skins the only warning of the attack is the sound that happens before the actual strike. ( The bullet is Created by snapping his fingers the Cutter is Crafted by snapping his fingers and dragging his hand through the air and the cannon is done by clapping his hands together with great force. The Target struck by the attack(s) is damaged on the inside affecting muscles, bones, and blood vessels showing no damage on the outside.) Hindrances: Never changes his mind once he gets a thought in his head it takes almost death to make him reconsider. tends to protect the weak that have not done him wrong. Unknown Weaknesses: Has a thing for pretty men. His mothers Death would send him to war with any and all. Weapons: Kings Scythe ( An enchanted weapon that thirsts for blood so much that if cut by it's blade the Victim dies thirty minuets after from the sheer power that flows through the weapon like venom.) History: Sleeth as a child as a guard and as king gained many titles and as for history it is found in his achievements and his wondrous deeds. As all men that will themselves he under took the task to become the next King of the Nayu for his people did not care for blood or the rights of the children of kings but the power and the lengths that the next king will go to prove himself to the one before. Few pure bloods lasted long if they did not try for the throne or at least pass the test of the king many fled the kingdom others became slaves blind working the mines far far below their sight taken for failure. He passed the first test the test of the king to be allowed the rights to learn the final skill of the Nayu people the power to walk in shadows soon it was time for the test of skill kill a person of interest. As a true test of his power Sleeth chose the Previous the Queen of the Lassa "mother to the Current Queen Nydra Nept" He raped her and using a magic given to him by his mother to record the memory he showed it to the King as proof of his loyalty and willingness to go as far as need be to win. After Passing the final test which much to his pleasure was to kill any and all other participants he was crowned king and given the Weapon of the king. Now some 35 years later he still sits on his throne unwilling to give it up not till he feels his body grow weak then Like the kings before him he shall roam deep into the caves and die in a death embrace with the beast that lurk below. Trivia: Loves to Cook...Had dreams of becoming a Baker in his younger years.[/color] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Nero's Guards & Soldiers][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1c/9c/51/1c9c51075d7b7a0c53b244add1bcf095.jpg[/img][/hider] [Hider=Nero's Elite][img]http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Fantasy-Art-Wei-Zi-Ninja.jpg[/img][/hider]