...s-ship...? I totally can imagine Noliver (what, do you prefer Nodee?) being one of those ships where there's always tension but when things come down to it, they actually cannot be together and oh my god my drama senses are tingling. "Miss Haywood, I...you have to go." "Detective Holland! Don't be [i]stupid[/i], I-" "You have to go before I fucking fall in love with you, goddammit!" "...I-I-" "Just go. [i]Get outta here[/i], already. Jesus, why...why do you have to make this hard? He'll [i]kill[/i] you if you're with me. I'm more of a hindrance than anything else. Just go! Scram! Get lost!" "Oliver. I'm not leaving you." "...Jesus. Nori, please, please go. I...I can't keep...failing you..." "Detective Holland - Oliver - you haven't failed me. Not even once." She leans in closer to take his face into her trembling hands. There are tears in her eyes as she recalls the memory, fingers absently tracing the detective's bandages as her amber eyes stay trained onto his azure ones. She feels him wince under her touch. "...I was the one who failed [i]you[/i], remember?" [@Bozo] [@Narcotic Dollie]