[color=#005ec0] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjAwOWRiOC5VbVZwSUUxcGVXRnRiM1J2LjA,/why-do-we-blink-so-frequently.regular.png[/img] [/color] Interacting with: Ky [@Raijinslayer] Odinn [@j8cob] Amaterasu [@Salrynn] Ethan [@Vulkan] and others I may have missed <.< [hr] Rei silently declined the offer with a slight headshake, then began walking away with a small short nod towards the Harpy's guild members in a pseudo-goodbye. Rei could finally report his job to the guild. Walking through the festivities the noise was somewhat distracting and annoying to him, but he let go of it, festival and all. The aroma of food lingering as Rei felt slightly hungry, he somewhat felt the hunger after not eating during his job. Walking through the crowd, people bumped into him, and quickly apologized. Rei didn't really care as most were accidents and unintentional. A balloon caught his eye, it flew away gradually out of the reach of a young child, who began bawling his eyes out. Rei casted gravity displacement on the balloon, carefully maneuvering it into the boys hands before turning off the magic. The boy's grin plastered across his face, as his crying stopped and turn into a hearty laugh as he ran along with his parents. Rei walked into the guild, quickly and silently reported his job, a few guild members who were drinking stopped and began whispering at the sight of him as he passed by. A mix of fear and maybe awe, "Wasn't that an S-class job, how'd Rei finish it in a week?" "I heard that it was close to becoming a 10 year quest." Rei never actually thought the whispers were about him, having a small, diminutive look at his achievements and prowess. He walked out of the rather grandeur guild and back into the sea of noise. He wanted to sate his hunger, somewhat. A cafe caught his eye, somewhat popular. A ding greeted him as he walked in the store, a waitress greeting him. "Welco-" She cut herself off, noticing that it was Rei, seems like he's somewhat infamous? Many patrons eyes were on him for reasons. "Wel-Welcome Sir!" "Please ta- take a seat!" The waitress said, slightly stuttering with her words, another thing Rei was confused about. He sat down and opened the menu, scanning it in less than a minute, [color=#005ec0]"... Coffee and Sandwich, Egg."[/color] Rei said in his normal, cold tone, which made the waitress attending him shiver a little. She scutlled off into the back. As he awaited his food, he noticed eyes on him, but took no heed on it as per usual. He did notice two notable individuals, the ever troublesome Amaterasu and the flamboyant knight, Ethan. They seemed to be on some outing together, normal people would have thought they were on a date, but not Rei. Rei was slightly curious since they [i]were[/i] from different guilds but was pleased at the same time that they could get along. After staring at them for a brief moment he placed his eyes on his table, arm on said table whilst leaning on his arm.