[b]Spring of 2719[/b] There are few who can recall the gentle breeze and flowering beauty of spring, now the season brings only more death and chaos to Alria, once beautiful nations now stained with corruption and evil, the stench of it seeping all across the continent. Even those who still stand against the shadow must force their people to war, tearing down proud forests so as to fuel the fires of their forges. Whether Alria withstands or not, the price will be unbearably high on those few that survive. Answering the desperate calls of their allies to the North, [b]New Engelica[/b] marches to war once more. Leading the Magi of the proud nation, beings who were already slipping into legends, the Princess Eléane prepared to defend the province that would no doubt bear the brunt of the Darkness come the spring. They would surely be tested, facing the true shadow for the first time in open battle. Even their darkest nightmares would not prepare them. The newly forged Alliance already growing in size, with the island nations too falling under [b]Tushienia[/b]. The nation of Necromancers, scorned in years gone past, are now the figurehead of resistance against the darkness to the east. As the nightmares once more remain in the shadows, not showing their faces to the defenders of Tushienia, the soldiers can only wait, and brace themselves for what will inevitably assail them. Also marching to the aid of Orngat, the [b]Broken Empire[/b] pulls back a fraction of it's massed army on the eastern front with the Darkness and rushes back towards where the shadow now approaches from the north. Orc's continue to be trained in the ways of black magic, frighteningly powerful Magi with eyes as black as their souls, the proud Dwarven nation is becoming something more altogether. With their fleets beginning to seriously struggle against the shadow in the waters, it seems inevitable that the line will eventually break, leaving the Darkness to hurl themselves against the flanks of the newly formed Alliance of the North. Still waiting motionless within their walled cities and towns, the armies of the [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b] simply wait and watch as the torches flicker. Bolstered with new knowledge from their allies, the [b]Republic of Andinon[/b] beats back the shadow once more. Time and time again, the Gnome's magics have allowed them to weather the ferocious assault of nightmares, and now as the alliance grows in strength, there are perhaps a glimmer of hope. And yet, there is no time to dwell on hope, as the Darkness comes again. As [b]Pankra[/b] waited, sending messengers far across the sea to the east and joining in arms with the newly formed Alliance of the North, the Darkness swept forward to the north, slaughtering what resistance there was from the Confederacy of Sawl and gaining a foothold in the islands. As their allies in the islands begin to suffer, the shifting shadows in the water begin to grow even more ominous. Also adding it's pledge to the Northern Alliance, the [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b] continues to brace itself, although it's forges fall silent. Responding to the dread silently moving through the waters towards them, [b]Orngat[/b] sends requests of aid to it's neighbors, and receives promises of soldiers and magic coming to their aid. Proud Magi, Elves from the south, soon arrive in their grand cities, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the Dwarves as the Darkness closes in. Soon the Order will be truly tested. [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/4b76/f/2016/039/3/5/map_by_romerorp-d9r0ifm.png[/img] [hider] [u][b]Provinces 1-24[/b][/u] [hider]Province 1 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 2 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 3 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 4 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 5 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 6 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 7 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 8 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 9 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 10 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 11 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 12 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 13 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 14 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 15 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 16 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 17 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 18 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 19 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 20 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 21 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 22 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 23 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 24 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 25-61[/u][/b] [hider]Province 25 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 26 - [b]Iparis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 27 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 28 - [b]Krognar Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 29 - [b]Krognar Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 30 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 31 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 32 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 33 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 34 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 35 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 36 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 37 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 38 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 39 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 40 - [b]Dolarti Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 41 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 42 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 43 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 44 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 45 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 46 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 47 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 48 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 49 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 50 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 51 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 52 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 53 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 54 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](PlatinumSkink)[/i] Province 55 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 56 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](PlatinumSkink)[/i] Province 57 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](PlatinumSkink)[/i] Province 58 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 59 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 60 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 61 - [b]Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 62-70[/u][/b] [hider]Province 62 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 63 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 64 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 65 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 66 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 67 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 68 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i] Province 69 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i] Province 70 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i][/hider][/hider]