[s]Eh, I'm out, you guys. Good luck on the world creating, though![/s] Well, never mind that. Shayd talked me into staying. Eagerly awaiting the first post! [quote=@ClocktowerEchos] And this is precisely my issue with this direction, we can claim that because of different evolutionary timelines means that our bog standard human can do anything and the world can literally be crafted for them. Drink salt water? Ok! Survive in freezing cold temperatures? Still fine! Can go months without eating? Evolution baby! How about animals that are naturally plump and juicy and fat for us to eat? Why the hell not! There is no sense of urgency in situations like this, things should be based on how it works by science and not what we want. If that was the case, I could claim that a much of space elves have established a colony here on this planet and decided to purge every living thing because it is the "greatest sandbox ever!" [/quote] Easy there, killer. No need to get so worked up.