[img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/4651/th/pre/i/2012/225/8/4/darth_delator__the_dark_lord_of_the_sith_by_vampiredarlla-d4h2x10.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Dagon Rane [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Cunning and manipulative, Dagon has inherited his master's trickster nature. He's humble and secretive, quietly scheming while throwing up a pleasant guise for those around him. He has a silver tongue, and always adapts his mannerism to those around him. However, in reality he's a cold and calculating killer. [b]Bio: [/b] Dagon became Set Harth's apprentice after Set took him in. He was originally a rogue Jedi of little import, presumed dead after Set assisted in faking his death. Since then Dagon has become Set's right hand, and can often be seen performing missions too dangerous for Set's personal presence and too important to send mooks or cat's paws. [b]Abilities: [/b] [Telepathy] As a master of deception, Dagon is a natural adept at Force Trick and Force Persuasion. He subtly weaves the Force into his words and appearance, which allows him to increase his natural charisma to near-supernatural levels. He's not as skilled in domination as Set, but he's far more subtle in his control and manipulation, often merely softening people's opinion of him. This ability isn't able to alter someone's opinion if they've already decided on it, however, and merely increases the chance of them positively reacting to him. [Precognition] Much like Set, Dagon is able to see into the future slightly. This allows him to anticipate and react to attacks with great accuracy, although he is also not as skilled as the greater Sith Lords. This ability is exclusively combat-based, and does not allow him to predict actions on a larger scale. [Telekinesis] Dagon is less skilled in the use to telekinesis than Set, but has learned the lightsaber throw technique. [Force Augmentation] Using the power of the Dark Side, Dagon is able to move with incredible speed and strength. He is less powerful than his master, but remains a force to be reckoned with in combat. His speed is vastly superhuman, as are his reflexes, and his strength is easily 3 or 4 times that of a normal human being. [Force Cloak] Dagon is one of the rare weilders of the Force Cloak ability, an ability that allows him to become invisible. This cloaks his physical form by bending the light around him, and thus conceals him almost completely. He can still be detected as a shimmer, and this ability does not decrease any sound he makes. It also requires complete concentration, so taking damage will usually deactivate it. [Assorted miscellaneous abilities] Using Force Sight he can see in the dark and see really well. Using Force Sense he can sense the presence of living creatures. [b]Organization:[/b] Harth Collective [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Star Wars (original character) [b]Other:[/b] This is an original character designed to function as Harth's right arm and assistant in public matters.