[i]Frank[/i] [color=a36209]"Look, son, we need to know how far away this barn is."[/color] Frank turns to Johnny [color=a36209]"Do you think we can get a car somehow?"[/color] Sure, Frank was helping himself. He didn't know where he was going or who this kid was, but safe was safe, right? And the kid doesn't look like he could tell a convincing lie in a normal situation, let alone this hell. But Frank wasn't just helping himself. Or Johnny, really. No, Frank had a new mission. He was going to help this boy. Frank never had kids of his own, although maybe some illegitimate. But this boy triggered a previously untapped paternal instinct in Frank. Maybe it was the eyes, the phone clutched with white knuckles, or the trembling in his voice, Frank didn't know. What Frank did know, however, was he was going to help this kid, and any kid they might come across. Not just protect them, but make them [i]know[/i] things will be okay. [color=a36209]"It's gonna be ok, son"[/color] Frank said as he put his hand on the kids shoulder. He didn't know who he was trying to convince. [color=a36209]"But first things first. What's your name?"[/color]