[hider=Oliver]Name: Oliver “Olly” Jaronus Age:19 Gender:Male Appearance:[img]http://s9.favim.com/orig/140112/anime-boy-cool-cute-Favim.com-1251620.jpg[/img] Race: Half-Elf Personality:Witty, intelligent, sees the best in people, trusting Likes:Books, friends, salty foods, adventure Hates:Insects, spicy foods, the dark Background: Born far from Somiar, in Du’reldar, Oliver lived around few humans most of his life. His mother was the only human in the city. Due to the fact that he was educated with Elves, he was held to high intellectual standards. Through some luck in the traits he received, he has all the best traits from both. He came to Somiar to train under Paz. Magic: Strong healer, telekinesis, temporary invisibility Weapon:a double bladed sword that can disconnect into two long swords Profession: Student and part-time shop keep at The Treasure Chest. Are you new to Somiar? Or have you been living here for a while: Brand New [/hider]