[h2]MC[/h2] Things were more or less the same, at least for a combat situation. Elementals were punching soldiers, chickens were pecking at everything in confusion except their summoner, Bayonetta was running around, Kid flash was... on the ground? Well, that couldn't do! The only problem was the guy right next to Kid Flash, blocking MC from healing him. Of course MC was here to rescue Kid Flash and got caught up in the jist of combat, and now that no one was shooting at him and he was standing still, MC could conjure a Portal under him, causing Kid Flash to appear in the dropship they started in, the one still surrounded by some healing mines that hadn't gone off yet. MC then closed the portal he made before someone could follow Kid Flash back to the backlines of the Resistance, and well... having a portal closed halfway through travel could cause some... bad things to happen if anyone even tried to follow him. [color=blue]"So... Jenny, Bayonetta, do what you need to do and I can open up another portal for you to get away in. Honestly I don't see this skirmish going anywhere so I'm sorta just ready to level this base.[/color] MC said to his comrades, recasting his shields and following up with Invisibility.