[center][color=0054a6][h3]Talay-a Gunosh[/h3][/color][/center] [center][color=0054a6]Archon of Water, Princess of Atlantis[/color][/center] [center][hider=Mood][img]http://www.theartlist.com/img-aom/1217638100_Coy%20Koi%20Pond.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Talay-a bowed her head in modesty when he named her. Opportunity was something that she strived for, because she would never be the strongest in the room but if she could be the smartest, it would be just as well. Gideon mentioned the water and she noticed it still along the ground at their feet. She slowly gathered it up, before depositing it in the pool as she pondered his question. "For you, maybe. I would suppose so since it feels nice but for me it's as necessary as air. I can inhale air, that's true but my body isn't as adept at yours at filtering out certain toxins. I could survive a year, maybe two, without water. My gills however, they don't take in the toxins, and something about the process detoxes my body. It's more than just refreshing, it's electrifying." Talay-a tried to explain, as she pulled her hair back and tilted her head to the side to display her gills. There were four down each side of her neck from the top of it to her collarbone, each one the same width. "Perhaps I over exaggerate but it is the best feeling to receive pure oxygen to my blood from time to time." Talay-a finished as she shook her hair into place.