[center][b][i]Royal Family - The Remonnet's[/i][/b] [hider=Remonnet House Information] [b]Family name[/b]: Remonnet [b]Kingdom Location[/b]: NA [b]Crest[/b]: Red shield with a Yellow Lion [b]Family Motto[/b]: [i]We rule, We conquer[/i] [b]Relations with other Kingdoms[/b]: Well respected – despite the reign of Helyot, King John did a good job at restoring people’s faith in house Remonnet. [b]Family Reputation[/b]: Honourable, strong, formidable, fair [b]Kingdom's Main Export of Good's[/b]: NA [b]Description of Kingdom[/b]: NA [b]Family Background[/b]: Five hundred years ago Formaroth had no overall ruler and the entire continent lead by numerous war chiefs, tribe leaders, counts and lords. The Remonnets were originally the rulers of the city state of Nyhem (now the capital of Formaroth). Richard Remonnet (more commonly known now as Richard the Conquer) was the Viscount of Nyhem and believed he could use his influence and power in Nyhem to defeat the other lords and counts who ruled over Sypius plains. In only five years Richard Remonnet had conquered all of Sypius, through a combination of negotiation and violence (mostly the latter). However his conquest of Sypius did not quell his ambition, but instead fuelled it. Now that Richard had complete control of both Nyhem and Sypius plains he commanded the most powerful force in Formaroth since the ancient dwarves. With his new army Richard continued to expand his empire at a rapid rate; and the more he conquered, the quicker he expanded. Within the space of fifty years Richard’s conquest was finally completed after he defeated Numa Seika, a tribal leader who had united the Raeldar tribes together in an attempt to repel the Remonnet Empire (though to no avail). Once his conquest was complete Richard died only three months afterward at the age of hundred and one. [/hider] [i][b]Family Members[/b][/i] [hider=Heylot Remonnet, the Mad King] [b]Name[/b]: Helyot Remonnet [b]Age[/b]: Deceased; died at age 57 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Position[/b]: King [b] Background[/b]: Helyot was the oldest child of the Remonnet family and came into power after his father died peacefully in his sleep. Even before madness claimed him in his latter life, Heylot was considered to be a cruel and selfish man. Once he came to power he had the entire high council executed for constantly questioning his decisions and replaced them with his own supporters. His cruelty only intensified as his rule continued, soon near every crime was punishable by death; innocent peasants were tortured and hunted for Helyots own amusement and corruption in Nyhem was inescapable. Eventually Helyot was killed by Andrew Manshrew during the final days of the Civil war. [b]Personality[/b]: Cruel, Sadistic, Evil, Ruthless, Mad, Paranoid, God Complex, Delusional [b]Skills and Traits[/b]: Adept Ruler (Before madness), Expert Swordsman, Master Intimidator [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/eae5/f/2016/066/f/a/king_heylot_by_theduncanmorgan-d9ub3n8.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=King John Remonnet, the Last King of the Remmonet's] [b]Name[/b]: John Remonnet [b]Age[/b]: Deceased, died at age 53 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Position[/b]: King [b]Background[/b]: King John ascended to power after his brother was killed during the civil war. In stark comparison to his brother John was a kind and fair ruler. However many believe his rule to be somewhat unimpressive due to him spending the majority of his rule undoing the harm that his brother had done. Despite this he was still loved by his people and many considered him a saint in comparison to his brother. John passed away under very suspicious circumstances considering he was far too young to have passed away from old age and was also in good health. [b]Personality[/b]: Kind, Fair Minded, Intelligent, Respectful, Wise [b]Skills and Traits[/b]: Master Ruler, Master Diplomat, Expert Leader, Adept Economist [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/9ff6/f/2016/066/b/4/king_john_by_theduncanmorgan-d9ub3nk.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Queen Ruth Remonnet, John's Dearly Beloved] [b]Name[/b]: Ruth Remonnet [b]Age[/b]: Deceased; died at age 45 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Position[/b]: Queen [b]Background[/b]: Ruth Remonnet was originally a member of the Du Paraquette family who married John during the civil war. She died under suspicious circumstances shortly after John became king. [b]Personality[/b]: Kind, Intelligent, Firm but Fair [b]Skills and Traits[/b]: Master Economist, Adept Ruler [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/2f29/f/2016/066/4/0/queen_ruth_by_theduncanmorgan-d9ub3nx.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center]