Nathe obeyed the instructions, staying still as she applied the ointment directly onto his wound. He winced in pain as he felt the new salve go over it, her fingers prodding where all this pain originated from. However, as she continued to smooth on the ointment and replaced his bandages, the pain slowly began to fade away. For the first time that day, he was able to move without a shooting pain going up his side. With the bandages replaced, he placed his hand gingerly over the wound. He wasn't going to test his luck with it. It may numb most of the pain, but he was sure enough irritation would bring it back just as badly. Even if it didn't, the wound would simply get worse regardless of whether or not he could feel it. He smiled at Mel gratefully. "Thank you," he said. "It feels much better already." He leaned back in his seat, regarding the woman for a moment before continuing. "So, what exactly are you supposed to do with me? Do I stay here? I don't really know what the procedure is for random vagrants stumbling into your city."