Alright everyone, we've got work to do! We've got like four people to add in, so because of that I'm going to impose a hard time limit for once. I'm going to ask for a very quick turnaround on posts, by the end of Friday. I know that's a very short amount of time, but I'd like to get the new people in as soon as possible. Because of that, feel free to work together, or even post shorter than you might usually if there's something you really want to do. Anyway, at the end of Friday/Saturday, I plan to post a transition to the next day. From there, plans are in place to get one new person into the group, and from there we'll head on into Gurata to the lone city (which is named the Homestead, by the way), where most/if not all of the new people will come in. On another note, I know Christopher might be a surprising name for this kind of roleplay, and I apologize for that. That was the name the character first had, and I don't have the urge to change it yet, so even though there might not be a Christ in Origin, screw it.