[h1][color=Gold]Ky Xaesos[/color][/h1] As the scene winded done, Dawn and Dusk would come hurtling down to sheathe themselves into the concrete with a loud ring,settling in an X-design. The air would shimmer slightly infront of the weapons as Ky appeared, drawing his weapons from the ground with ease and flair, adding a bit of a spin to it before finally putting the weapons away. Ky had a tendancy to try and make his entrances/exits very dramatic and 'cool', with varying success. With his little scene finished, he'd give the 3 ladies z silent bow before activating his Veil spell again, causing him to rapidly fade from view in a mysterious manner. Stealthily making his way from the scene, he made his way into the festival, intent on finding Rei(who'd missed his awesome exit) so that the two could hold a spar, but as he was going about the place invisibly, he sudden found himself bumping into someone, and normally tney both would've fallen, but Ky was quick to regain his footing and grab the other person's hand before they could fall as well. It was at this moment, however,that he realized who he had bumped into was none other than Harpy Wing's musical maestro, Allison. This caused him to move a lot slower and methodically, as he helped pull her up and attempted to ask how she was. [sub][sub][sub][sub][color=Gold]"Are you okay?[/color][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub] Emphasis on 'attemped', as his already quiet voice shrank to an near incoherent mumble, his eyes suddenly finding a nearby pebble to be very interesting. He was struck by an urge to book it, but he didn't want to be rude. That being said, he had the feeling that if he didn't leave, he'd be making a very big fool of himself in front of one of his favorite singers and secret crush. All in all, he was left in a state of nervousnesd, his hands picking at the pommels of Dusk and Dawn as ne tried to think his way through this problem. [@Lmpkio] [@Masaki Haruna] If you want to have Ria come in and help Ky out(however indirectly or unknowingly)