[hider=Breaker]Brynn "Breaker" Irons [i][h2][color=9e0b0f]Archon of Fire[/color][/h2][/i][IMG]http://static.tumblr.com/kpdblvs/hOHlwbhmr/sample_09e0a7bb8693952b8d63978cfc54be4b.jpg[/IMG] [hider=Colors and attire]Brynn's hair is a similar color to that silver in the photo, though the jacket is a much deeper red and his left eye is amber, being Cale's left eye. Wears an eye patch over this eye, he doesn't like people to see it.[/hider][/hider] Brynn walked through the halls of the temple simply exploring. It felt empty, lonely. He found a lot of rooms full of nothingness. [color=9e0b0f]You could try to make a few friends, you know.[/color] "No thanks." [color=9e0b0f]For someone who doesn't like the dead, you sure spend more time talking to them more than the living.[/color] "..." Still seeking something even he didn't know himself, Brynn continued through the temple. Seeing what looked like a training dummy in an otherwise empty room, Brynn stepped inside. As he entered the doorway, the world around him changed. What was once a bleak, tan limestone interior was now an expansive wasteland of ruined architecture. "What the hell is this? Where-?" He turned around in bewilderment and the doorway was still there. What looked like some kind of portal was between it. A link to the temple and that unknown landscape. [color=9e0b0f]You wanted to look around. You got your wish. Though, good luck. We're going to need some.[/color] [i]Luck? What is she talking about?[/i] What felt like hours had already passed. The sun hadn't moved one inch; a perpetual mid afternoon sky. Brynn continued moving through the ruins. The air felt cool and comfortable. He began to feel uneasy; anxious. The further he went the more he felt that something was behind him, breathing down his neck. Gripping his sheath, he turned and drew his sword at..nothing. Just darkness. When did it get this dark? The sun was still up shining bright in the sky, yet there was only darkness here; surrounding him. Suddenly, a giant blade comes crashing down less than a few inches from his face. It stuck in the ground, hilt pointed skyward. Before him appeared what might have once been a [url=http://soulslore.wdfiles.com/local--files/data:artorias/Dark%20Souls%20-%20Artorias%203.jpg]a man wearing decrepit armor.[/url] "What? You?!", Brynn shouted at the figure. It vanished completely, only leaving behind a murky darkness where it once stood. Anxiously, Brynn started looking in every direction, hoping his attacker wouldn't somehow get the drop on him. The man reappeared only a couple of inches from Brynn's eyes; where he finally got a good look at his face, or lack thereof. A veil of nothingness was under his hood, it seemed to drain all light out of the room as if it were some kind of contained black hole. The thing that was once human let out what can only be described as an inhuman scream mixed with a guttural growl. Brynn couldn't move, he was frozen in place. Holding its giant blade in one hand, it grasped at Brynn with the other and threw him across the ruins. Almost a quarter of a kilometer he was flung. When he finally landed, he hit the ground and kept going. Brynn only stopped because a wall had halted his momentum. [color=9e0b0f]It might be a good idea to leave. You could die here.[/color] "No shit. But he shouldn't even exist...that was only stories they told us when we were kids." He slowly regained his balanced and couldn't find where the man had went. [color=9e0b0f]Most of those stories weren't lies. They just happened a very, very long time ago.[/color] "Then this is-" [color=9e0b0f]Another time. But the same place where Yharnham was.[/color] Brynn didn't have a lot of time to think, the Abysswalker was upon him again. Finally able to draw his [url=http://i.imgur.com/TJyJ0RNh.jpg]sword[/url], Brynn felt like he had some kind of chance against this once heroic man. The man moved impossibly fast; Brynn was barely able to hold off the onslaught of attacks. He struck over and over a hundred times. Brynn shifted his weight and knocked the knight off balance. As quickly as he could, Brynn struck his arm; wounding him. Making another screech, the man took a new [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JkKmtpG-MQc/maxresdefault.jpg]stance.[/url] Brynn prepared himself for another barrage of attacks, but instead the man began to vanish. A flash of light and what was left in the knight's place as a doorway back into the temple. After he was through the doorway, he turned around to see the ruins still there, and the [url=http://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/Majestic%20Greatsword.png/519610588/Majestic%20Greatsword.png]Abysswalker's blade.[/url] still placed in the ground. Battered and bloody, Brynn slowly made his way back into the temple. He limped his way back through and found the meeting room once again. There were still a few people left in there so Brynn decided to warn them. "Hey, I found a place you probably shouldn't go into." He fell into a nearby chair tried to relax a bit. [i]Knight Artorias; the Abysswalker. A god damn monster.[/i]